“Tell me what’s making you so sad so I can fix it.” Odin comes behind me, wrapping me in a hug.
“I got my period.”
His face finds the sensitive skin of my neck. He presses a long kiss before he whispers, “I’m sorry, sweetheart.”
“It’s alright. We’ll just try again.” It’s been four months since we decided we wanted to try to become pregnant. Nothing’s worked so far and with each period, I feel more and moredeflated.
“It’s going to happen, I know it will,” he says, smoothing my greasy hair back from my face. “Don’t worry. Our angels have a plan.” Stevie meows in my ear as if to confirm.
“I know.” He spins the chair so I’m facing him. He takes my cheeks in his big hands and kisses me like he’s been waiting all day to touch me. Stevie launches from my neck and onto the wooden island counter, which means I can freely wrap my arms around him, pulling him close. He’s slick and tight after doing a workout, and I’m covered in sterilizer and cheetah fur. Either way, we don’t mind. We fit together, molding into place like two pieces of soft clay.
“The usual?” he asks, which makes my heart swell. Hot chocolate and a heat pack. The perfect remedy to curb the shitty fact that I’m bleeding when I’d hoped to be making our first baby.
“Yes, please.”
Odin kisses me again, his lips tender and sweet. He’ll blame himself; I know he will. But he can’t control mother nature. No one can. My body will accept our tiny creation when it’s ready.
The sound of footsteps alerts me to the fact that I’m a terrible friend. Martise enters the kitchen wearing workout gear and a bright smile. “I’m so sorry about this morning, Martise,” I say, standing to go over and give her a hug. We had so much planned to do since she’s only visiting for three days.
Martise hugs me back. “Don’t be! Odin took me on a hike and then I did his assignment for him.” She winks.
My husband laughs. “Helped. You helped.”
Odin took my advice and decided to go back to school to study paleontology. The end of his first semester is coming up, and he’s aced all of his classes. Every assignment he gets back with positive marks, we take aday off work and spend it together in bed, speaking about biology and how amazing the planet is.
“When’s it due?” I ask, coming up behind him as boils the kettle and cuts up the mint chocolate block into easy to melt shards. I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my head on his spine as he answers me.
“Two days. I should get it done tonight.”
Martise starts to laugh randomly, and I spin to see Alfred the goat has leapt up onto the countertop. He bleats loudly, demanding our attention. I press a kiss to Odin’s rough cheek and go over to give Alfred a pet.
“So, what are you doing for your anniversary?” Martise asks.
I shrug. “Don’t know. Odin has organized it all.” Martise frowns, clearly wanting more information. “He’s been very secretive.”
“Mm. That’s not like him at all.” We both chuckle as Odin puts two mugs on the countertop. I take the closest one, sniffing the delicious chocolate scent. One of the tentacles from the octopus tattoo on my wrist peeks out from under my long sleeve shirt. I trace my thumb over it quickly, my insides melting when I think of that little creature. Odin comes up behind me and traces it, too. He kisses my neck, and it sends shivers down my shoulders.
“Just be patient,” he murmurs against my skin.
“No, thanks. I like being a doctor.” Martise rolls her eyes at my terrible joke. “Come on, let’s make the most of the afternoon. I want to hear everything about all your renovations.” We move around the counter so I can loop my arm into Martise’ elbow and direct her to the living room. “I especially want to hear about your new girlfriend.”
“It’s only fresh,” she says.
“I fell in love with Odin in less than a month. It doesn’t matter how fresh.”
“True,” she admits. “But you’re one in a million.”
We collapse into the couches, kicking our feet up. We chat all afternoon about love and life and nature and death. Odin comes in every now and then and refills our cups. I feel his eyes on me every time he enters, and a warm rush flows under my skin. It never seems too dull, no matter how many times he does it.
I once thought that only having his attention on me for the rest of my life would be enough. I’m glad to admit that I was correct.
“Don’t look.”
“You blindfolded me!” I point out. Odin chuckles in my left ear, his hands tight on my waist as he guides me through the house. The animals have been put outside in the barn for the night. I don’t think any of them are happy about it. We spoil them too much.
I trip over the train of my dress and smash my hip bones into a nearby hallway table. We both grunt as he slams into my back. Laughing away the pain, Odin changes tactics and decides to pick me up.
“Put me down. My dress is going to rip!”