Page 44 of Crave

Pulling out my phone, I scroll through my contacts until I find a name I haven’t called in a very long time.

“Max? It’s me, Alexei. I have a favor.”

There’s a grunt from the other end as I fill him in.

“Wait. You want me to findTatiana Novik?” he groans. “She’s a fucking dragon.”

“Yea. I know. I need her fire to save my friend.” I miss Lara like I miss breathing. Her being gone makes me feel like I’m suffocating.

“No, no, no. You must have gotten more crazy. No one is worth going into debt with Tatiana.” Max makes a swallowing sound.

Knowing him, it was probably a long pull from a bottle of cheap vodka.

“Lara’s worth it.” I’d do anything to get her back.

Max laughs wryly. “There is no pussy in this world worth dealing with that vulture of death.”

That makes me pause. I’ve never fucked Lara. It was always something I thought was against the rules.

Would I want to? Yes.

But do I want to risk losing her over it? No.

I’d stay celibate forever for her.

“She’s worth it.” I’m firm with my answer.

Max chuckles. “It’s your funeral, friend. We had some wild times, it’s too bad they’ll all be in the past.”

“Please, Max?” I hate to beg.

But I would crawl on my belly through the slivers of Enzo’s shattered door if it meant I got to see Lara again.

“Fine, fine. I’ll get word out. Be ready. Rest in peace, fucker.” The line goes dead when he hangs up.

I’ll be okay. I’ve been practically face to face with Tatiana before, and walked away.

Thirty-six hours and twelve minutes later, and I’m standing on a secluded corner in an alley off eighth street under a broken street lamp at four am.

Who the hell wakes up this early?

Las Vegas is a strange town. The street sweepers are the only ones working, cleaning up discarded fliers and cups. It’s like the entire city revolves around the Strip.

I’m glad I’m away from prying eyes.

Well, maybe having a witness would be in my best interest.

Fuck. Of all the luck in the world, two Reapers are actually here when I am? I’d recognize their leather vests and heavy beards anywhere.

One is thick and tall, the other lean and shorter than me.


All I have is a knife.

I try to press myself against the brick wall. Maybe they won’t recognize me?

As they get closer, I catch them staring at me.