Page 140 of Crave



“Why didI have to drive all of the way out here? A phone call would have worked.” It took an entire tank of fuel in that shitty car with no heater.

I’m freezing.

Tatiana is bundled so completely, I can only see her eyes through the thick ruff of fur framing her face. “I know you got what you came for, crazy man. Now it’s time you pay up.”

I hold out my palms. “What is it, money? I have that.”

The heat of her laughter makes a fog around her head. “Funny man. No. I want to introduce you to your new lawyer.” Her black gloved finger points to a beast of a man who is leaning against the door of her SUV.

When he straightens, I’m almost positive he’s bigger than even Mikhail.


“What do I need a lawyer for? I did nothing wrong.” Well, except one or two teensy tiny killings.

But they deserved it.

Especially those jerks who treated Lara bad on their dates.

It’s like they were begging to die. Eh. A few of them did by the time I was done with them.

“Oh, Alexei. You’re so adorable.” Tatiana reaches forward and reaches up like she’s going to stroke my cheek.

But then her fingers wrap around my chin and squeeze. “You’re going to prison for murder. And Drago here is going to make sure that you get put into the maximum security wing.”

I jerk my head out of her grasp. “The fuck I am. Absolutely not.” I can’t leave Lara.

Russian jails are death camps.

“Tisk, tisk. It would be a shame if your little girlfriend ended up captured all over again. Do you think she could handle it?” Tatiana pulls out a cigarette and places it through a slit in her mask before lighting it.

The smoke hangs in the cold air in a languid dance.

It’s like time freezes.

I don’t want Lara to ever experience that trauma again. I know she struggled before, but that has made her wake up with nightmares that even I have a hard time consoling her from.

Damn this world.

“Fine.” My exhale swirls the steady smoke.

“See? You may be crazy, but I know you’re smart. That’s what I need once you’re in there.” She takes a long drag of her cigarette. “You’re going to kill an untouchable man. And it will take everything you have to survive long enough to do it.”

Her eyes narrow as she points to me with the burning ember. “Fail? Your girl belongs to me.”

Son of a bitch. I’m so fucked.

“Fine. I’ll do it. Then we’re even?” I need to get Mikhail to get me the hell out of here.

Her head tips back in a full laugh. “You’re hysterical. Of course we’ll be even. I’m sorry this will be the last time we’ll get to see each other.” She twirls her fingers in the air.

Three men swarm me before I can pull my pistol, pinning my arms to my sides.

Drago steps closer as Tatiana crawls into the heat of her car.