What’s a few more hours anyway?
Song, Fire Up The Night, New Medicine
If he clicksthat pen one more time I will scream. I know he has something to get off his chest. I wish he would just say it.
“You’re distracting me.” I flick him a stern look, but have to bite back my smile when he wiggles his eyebrows at me.
“That was my master plan.”
With one final click, he tosses it at the wall and it bounces off into the trash can.
“What am I going to do with you, Alexei?”
He reclines back in the chair and lets out a dramatic sigh.
“Me. You’re going to do me. Right here, right now, and that door—” He pauses and points behind him. “—stays unlocked.”
“Oh, you want me?” I tease, twirling a blond curl around my finger.
“Want? No. Need, yes. I want you every second of the day.” He winks at me.
A blush spreads on my cheeks.
“You know we can’t do it here. Just wait until we get home.”
I nearly jump when my phone rings and the floor manager's name stares back at me.
I’ve just about had enough of that man’s useless number crunching for today.
Glancing up at Alexei he has a smug grin on his face. It’s like he knows.
Probably because I’m on fire right now. Squirming in my seat, I hit accept and bring it to my ear, motioning Alexei to be quiet with a finger over my lips.
Not that it’s even unusual for him to be here, but since we’ve started dating, I’m almost paranoid my brothers could ruin this for me. Once it’s out in the open, this will be a lot easier.
“Bill.” I greet the manager and Alexei shifts in his seat.
“I’m sending you a spreadsheet now. I think it’s all done.” The gruff voice echoes from the speaker.
I clench my fist in annoyance.
“You think?”
Resting my forehead on my hand I sigh. Bill’s excuses almost become background noise when I hear the unmistakable sound of Alexei’s zipper.
“One second.” I rush the words into the phone, then mouth to Alexei “don’t you dare”.
He runs his tongue along his teeth. I swear to God I’m soaking my panties by the time his dick is in his hands.
His eyes are fixed on mine as he swirls the pre-cum over the tip.
“You want?” He mouths.
I bite down on my lip and nod.