It’s written in Alexei’s scrawl.
He makes me smile.
I wish things could be different sometimes between us. He always knows what I need, and when.
He comforts me before I even know I’m hurt.
There’s still a line though, one I’ll never cross. Losing him would be devastating.
I don’t think I’d survive it.
Nope. It’s better to keep things as they are, than risk ruining it in search of something more.
Besides, there has to be someone else out there who can give me the physical things I’m missing?
Why can’t I just be content with what he gives me?
Because Idowant more. There’s been times where I’ve been too tipsy, and almost did something I knew I’d regret.
I’m glad I haven’t.
The last package is wide and flat.
I can’t miss the words scrawled across the front.
“Picture of the strongest person I know.” Is in thick black marker.
A gold gilded hand mirror.
Holding it up, I can see the tears forming in my own blue eyes.
His gifts are always random, but perfect.
One last message is across the bottom of the basket.
“I bet you want to know what the clown nose is for. Come home to help me with my circus and keep me from going crazy?”
Huh? What is he talking about?
My reflection catches the smile tugging up my lips.
It’s going to be hard the next time I see Nikolai.
Somehow, it seems a little easier knowing Alexei will be there with me.
“Come on, come on. This way.”I grab Lara’s hand and guide her out onto the veranda in the backyard.
“Hold it right there. Don’t move.” I square her shoulders so she can face just perfectly.
“Alexei, you know this is ridiculous, right?” She takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. It’s tinged with the sweet wine we just drank inside.
I know she’s trying to look upset, but the lift of her mouth says she’s enjoying herself.
“Okay, you can look.” Holding my arms out, I direct her blinking attention to my beautiful Sheila.