But I always need Alexei.
“FUCK!”I slam my fist into my front door as her tires screech down the street.
The pain on her face.
I fucked it all up.
I knew I would. I have to make this right.
Grabbing my helmet and keys, I hop on my bike.
She won’t be far, I can catch her.
Filtering through the traffic, cars honk at me, but I don’t care.
I have to get to her.
Up at the next block, I see her white car. Checking left and right, my traffic signal is red, but to hell with it. I hit the throttle and go.
It would be exhilarating if I wasn’t in such a panic.
As I approach her, her light turns green and she zooms off.
Shaking my head, I speed up, enough so I’m even with her.
“Pull over!” I shout, pointing to the wide spot up ahead.
She shakes her head, looking back at the road.
I can’t let her leave.
Edging my bike closer to her, I keep going. I’m dangerously close.
She swerves to the right away from me, and slams on her brakes to pull into the parking spot.
I kick down my stand, and pull off my helmet while stomping over to the driver’s side.
“Open.” I yank on the door.
“Go away.” She mouths.
I shake my head. “You know me better than that. Open the damn door.”
I step back.
“I’m not going anywhere, Lara. I’ll stand here and wait all night and day if I have to. I am never leaving your side. Eternity remember? It’s a long fucking time.”
I hop up on the hood and take a seat.
Fuck it’s warm.
Tapping on her windshield, I wave. I can see she’s trying not to grin.
So I keep doing it, and turn it into the tune to that song she always listens to.