Fuck. I didn’t think about anyone else hearing her when I made that my ringtone.
Jax throws up his gloved hands and curses at me as I scramble to get my cell quieted. “Hey, Lara, can I call you back?”
“This is someone much more important than your little girlfriend.” A sultry voice croons into my ear.
“Who is this?” I wave Jax back as he points to the machine in his fist.
“Oh, Alexei. I thought we were better friends than that? You are so very special to me.” She draws out the end huskily. “I have something you want, you have something Ineed.”
I let my legs drop over the side of the table and sit up.
Jax shakes his head and puts down the tattoo gun, crossing his arms over his wide chest to watch me.
“First you need to tell me what’s going on?” There’s only one woman for me, and it isn’t the one on the other end of the phone.
“I’m fulfilling the second half of your request. You wanted to find your Lara, and kill who took her. Correct?” The sexy lilt to her words fades as she slips into all business.
“Yes, that’s right.”
“I’ll send you to him, and make sure you cross paths. Once you’re finished with him, I’m calling in my debt. Tidy up your loose ends, you’re coming to visit my homeland.” With a click, she hangs up.
A surge of energy courses through me. I can finally put an end to the man who hurt Lara.
“Everything okay?” Jax raises his pierced eyebrow.
“Better. I’ll finally get Kirill.” Sliding off the table, I grab my shirt and helmet and race for the door.
“I’m not done yet,” he shouts after me.
Pushing out into the hot street, I jump on my bike, ignoring the burning seat from the Vegas sun.
I should tell Lara.
But I need to talk to Mikhail first.
Dodging through the traffic has me pulling into the casino parking garage in minutes. I run through the main entrance and don’t even turn toward the elevator.
It takes too long.
Two flights of stairs barely have me winded, then I’m skidding to a stop in front of Mikhail’s office door.
I guess I could have darted into hers. Too late.
Without knocking, I push into Mikhail’s space and rush to his desk.
“Alexei? What the?—”
“She called me.” I blurt out. “Tatiana. She knows where Kirill is.”
“How do you know it isn’t a trick?” Nikolai asks from the couch.
I didn’t see him there. “She’s come through every time so far.”
Mikhail takes a deep breath, fluttering the fabric of his balaclava when he exhales. “We can’t trust her. What did she tell you?”