Page 63 of Reluctantly You

“So hot,” he whispers, his hand moving from my wrist to touch my warm face. “So good for me.”

I swallow roughly, the reality of what we did slamming into me.

“Get off me!” I nearly shout, shoving at him.

He stiffens and then rolls up, hopping onto his feet and adjusting his hard cock. I scramble backward, pulling my legs up to my chest and holding on to them tightly.

“Get the fuck out. Leave!”

He hesitates for a moment and then with a sigh, he turns on his heel and walks out, the door shutting with a click.

Oh god. Oh fuck. What did I do?

Chapter Eleven


He hasn’t so much as looked at me all week. During work, he strides into his office, does his job and leaves. No eye contact. Nothing. He pretends I don’t exist. Like the hot dry humping on his floor never happened.

It’s put me in a mood. Usually men are crawling back to me, begging to go again but it’s like I’ve been…discarded.

I don’t understand him at all.

“You’ve been such a grump since that dinner with Mitch,” Shiloh says, coming into my office with my lunch. He looks bright and cheerful today, such a contrast to my current gloomy mood.

“I’ve been normal.”

“I mean, yes, you have. You’re usually a grump, but now you’re even grumpier. So I bought you a sandwich. None of this weird salad shit. You need meat on your bones.”

I arch an eyebrow at him. “I have plenty of meat.”

Shiloh rolls his eyes. I may have gotten drunk at one point in our friendship and showed him my cock. He was not impressed.“Thank you for lunch,” I amend when he sets the sandwich down on my desk. I stare at it and then meet Shiloh’s shrewd gaze.

“I know something’s up between you and Mitch. It’s not rocket science to figure it out. I’m not asking for details, but…” he rolls his lips between his teeth, “he’s broken a bit, I think. You need to be careful.”

I huff and run a hand down my face. I know he’s broken. I’ve seen it, and yet, for some reason, I can’t stay away.

What the fuck is that about?

“There’s not anything with Mitchell Morris. He’s just an employee.”

“Right,” Shiloh drawls with another roll of his eyes. I should fire him for insubordination and just outright rudeness. But then again, Rory would kill me if I did that, and I wasn’t lying when I said Shiloh was amazing. He’s managed me for years. There’s no going back now. We’re stuck together.

“I think I’ll eat lunch alone,” I grump and Shiloh grins at me.

“Yeah, fine. I’m off early today, anyway.”

“Again?” I ask, and he places a hand on his hip, arching an eyebrow at me.

“I’ve worked overtime for you for years, Gideon, and now I’m taking some time off. And no, you don’t get to tell me I can’t. That’s not how this works.”

I grumble under my breath and then huff and puff the entire way through lunch, gobbling down my sandwich in an impressive four bites. It does make me feel slightly better, my blood-sugar levels evening out, but then I walk past Mitchell’s closed door a few hours later and my mood plummets again, my stomach tied up in knots.

What the fuck ishisproblem?

What the fuck ismyproblem?

I stare at his door for far too long before striding back to my office and locking myself inside. I log in to a virtual meetingand see that Mitchell’s also in attendance, and I end up staring at his image on the screen so intently, my eyes dry out from not blinking.