Page 52 of Reluctantly You

“He was blushing a lot. Couldn’t meet my eyes when I said hello.”

“And why do you think that’s my fault?” I ask, my lips twitching slightly. Good, let him blush. I bet he’s thinking about my cock.

“Gideon,” Shiloh chastises. “He’s not a toy. He’s an employee.”

My gaze meets his, and I nod. “I know.”

“You say you know, but you slept at his house the other night, you went over again to check on him this weekend, and now he can’t stop turning red…”

“I’m a very engaging boss,” I reply, and he snorts.

“You are not. You’re fucking with him. And it’s not nice. Stop before someone gets hurt.”

“I’m not doing anything. I’m behaving.”

He sighs and folds his arms across his bright pink shirt.

“Fine, but when something bad happens and you come bitching to me, I’ll just say I told you so. Because despite it all, you two have a history, unbeknownst to him.”

“Nothing bad will happen.”

He doesn’t believe me. I can tell by the way he’s watching me with that disapproving look in his eye. He’s always been like this, far too cautious for his own good. But with how we were raised, I don’t blame him.

“Anyway, Rory wants to meet up again tonight. Would you like to join us for dinner?” I ask, trying to change the subject.

“Sure, I’m bummed I couldn’t make it the other night. But you know, duty calls.”

“Your other job,” I reply with a huff of frustration.

“It’s just helping some guys out at a salvage yard. It’s not interfering with your shit. So don’t huff and puff.”

“I can’t imagine you out there in a fucking junkyard.”

“I’m notinthe junkyard, I’m in the office, organizing paperwork and getting everything digitized.”

“Hmph. It’s beneath you.”

He rolls his eyes, but I see the tinge of pink on his cheeks. I know there’s more to it than just helping someone out.


“Do notahme,” he grumbles.

“You’re there for the eye candy, aren’t you? Are there big buff men walking around with grease stains and ripped jeans?”

He huffs and then stands up, brushing invisible dust from his shirt. “If you must know, two are taken, but the others might be a nice distraction… Anyway, it’s not appropriate. And I’m not discussing this with you.”

“But you’ll discuss it with Rory.”

“Fuck off,” he grumbles and then flips me off as he walks from my office, leaving me alone once more.

I lean back in my chair and glance at my schedule. I have a busy rest of the day, but part of me wants to stop by Mitchell’s office and see him blush for me.

Because I know it’s for me. Because of me. I went from wanting to destroy him to… wanting him?

No, that can’t be right.

I just want to peel back the layers, see what makes him tick.