I fucking hate it, hate him, and yet I can’t move.
The towel slips from his head and his eyes slam into mine. And those lips turn up into a smirk as my nostrils flare.
Fuck him.
I wasn’t looking at him. I wasn’t.
I was just surprised.
And if my dick is hard, it’s just the endorphins from working out.
Chapter Five
Istay at work far later than I expected, mainly because my strategic financial director isn’t doing his job well. He’s attending his meetings, but has been doing the absolute bare minimum. I knew this about him from the beginning, though. I gave him a chance but knew this wouldn’t work out.
I see who he is. I know men like him. I know his father, and when I said the apple doesn’t fall far from the scheming tree, I meant it. Both are pathetic little shits who prey off of other’s hard work.
But still, the gall of him to continue coming into work every day is astounding. I wish he’d just quit. It would make my life so much easier.
Shiloh made his way into my office earlier and rolled his pretty eyes at me when he saw me glowering at my computer screen.
You shouldn’t have taken away his office. I told you so.
I disagree entirely. I should have. Mitchell Morris is a spoiled brat who needs to be taken down a peg or two. Or ten. I told him this and I wasn’t lying. I never lie. I always tell the truth.
Mitchell refused to come to the meeting I scheduled for us yesterday, and he didn’t show up to this morning’s either. He even came in to work late.
I sat behind my desk waiting for him to appear, an hour past his appointment time, and my eye twitched slightly when Shiloh relayed the message.
He’s not coming.
I knew it.
I knew he wouldn’t. It proves I was right all along. Men like him never change. And honestly, his disregard for me as his boss bothers me more than I expected it to.
Now I’m waiting for everyone to leave the office so I can speak with him. Since he arrived late, I assume he’ll be staying after everyone else to get his shit done. I’m not a boss who makes people work more than they should. I respect a work-life balance and never expect people to put in more time than their contract requires.
But I also expect my employees to get shit done without having to micromanage them.
Seems Mitch needs to be managed.
I walk to my office door and turn my head to look in the glass windows, catching my reflection staring back at me.
Professional. Stern. An image I’ve cultivated. So different from the skinny, scared teenager I was twenty years ago.
I square my shoulders, making my way to the office Mitchell moved into.
I know Shiloh disagrees with my choice, but it wasmychoice to make. And despite the looks he’s been giving me, I know that it was the right one.
Mitchell Morris has been riding on the coattails of this company for far too long. He needs a reality check. A large one. I’m not even sure he’s good at his job, and from what I’ve seen the past few days, I don’t think he is. His reports are sloppy, his calculations are wrong.
Men like him, who have been given everything in life need to learn a lesson.
And it’s one I intend on teaching him.Better now than never, I think as I round the corner and see that his office door is shut. He’s probably in there, doing fuck knows what.
My hand grips the handle and I push it open, finding Mitch behind his desk, his head leaning back against his chair, his fingers curled in the hair of someone kneeling between his legs.