Page 55 of Reluctantly You

“You’re acting like one. Now get your shit together and let’s go to dinner. Shiloh will be happy you’re joining us.”

He turns around and eyes me, his cheeks still a pretty pink. “I don’t know if I want to go.”

I step up to him and my hand clutches his tie, pulling him against me, his hard cock pressing against my stomach. “You’re going with me and you’re going to eat.”

He scoffs and peers up at me through those thick eyelashes.

Fuck, I hate him, but goddamnit, he’s hot.

Chapter Ten


Fuck, I shouldn’t be following him to this restaurant. I’m feeling all sorts of confused as I sit in my car, my fingers tightening on the steering wheel.

The way he pressed into me earlier, the way his body felt against mine.

I just imagined that big dick of his pushing inside of me, stretching me, making my eyes cross in pleasure. Damn dreams, making me all sorts of gay.

I glance down at my phone, the message Magnus sent me glaring up at me.

Fuck his awful timing.


So, what have you been up to, big bro? Being a dick? Causing chaos?

I use my knee to drive, trying to make sure I don’t murder anyone, but also wanting to respond. Fuck, I can’t believe he’s still messaging me.


Just being a dick. No chaos.


Shame on the dick front. They are such fun though.

I stare down at his bold message and feel my body heat.


I think about myself shoving my finger up my ass, fondling my sensitive prostate and nearly swerve into traffic. Fuck, I don’t want to go to dinner with Gideon. I don’t want to sit there chewing on food while my dick gets hard.

No. It won’t get hard.


I like my own dick.

That’s a partial lie. I happen to like Gideon’s too. Fuck. Probably not. Just mostly.

Shit. I glance up and see the brake lights pierce my eyes and slam on my own. I lurch forward, my tires squealing as I take a deep breath. I almost rear-ended the person in front of me. Shit, the person in front of me is Gideon.

My mind suddenly goes to Gideon’s ass in the shower, and I find myself starting to hyperventilate.

Get your shit together, you bitch.

I follow him into a parking lot and stare down at my phone. Magnus has sent me a smirk emoji and I find my lips quirking up.