“He’s seven,” Liatta says.
My father has had another child for seven years and no one told me? Everyone at court must have known. The king must have known…which means he was truly just testing me.
“Garoth is the heir now that he’s legitimate,” Father says, and focuses a scowl upon me. “Which is a good thing, because your behavior has been shameless. What were you thinking, Aspeth?”
Again with the “what were you thinking.” I drink more water,trying to keep it down this time, and eye Liatta. Her expression is careful, and she doesn’t touch the stew or wine that her maid sets down in front of her. She’s watching me. Waiting to see how I’m going to take the news that I’ve been deposed from my position as heir.
I suppose I should be angry. Furious. Hurt.
I’m relieved. So damn relieved I want to laugh aloud. Liatta has schemed at court for years and now she’s neatly tangled my father. She will be Lady Honori and her son will be Honori’s heir. He can’t be any worse than my father is, so I don’t have a problem with it. I can stay in Vastwarren…or I can leave.
My future is finally mine.
“I see,” I say carefully. “My congratulations to young Garoth. But I must recommend again, Father, that you acquire more artifacts. I know you said the king sold you my rings—”
“The rings you stole, you mean,” Father corrects with a stern glare. “Such a bad look, Aspeth. I taught you better than that.”
“—but one set of rings is not going to protect the entire hold,” I continue, ignoring him. “More has to be done. The knights have to be paid. The guild has no Honori team. Crops—”
Liatta holds up a beringed hand. “I understand your concerns,” she says, stopping me. “It is a conversation I had with your father prior to our marriage. I am not handing over my fortune simply for him to toss it away. I am in charge now.” Her expression hardens ever so slightly. “I will control Honori’s funds. And I’ve established a team with the guild so we can repair our defenses. It will be expensive, but necessary.”
Father frowns at his new wife. “I really don’t think—”
She turns to him and freezes him with a look. “I’m in charge of the finances, Corin.” Her voice is firm but sweet. “You’ll recall we’ve discussed this extensively. You’ll have an allowance.”
I smother the laughter that threatens to rise from me. I suspect Honori Hold is in excellent hands. Liatta has maneuvered her way about court for so long that she’s going to know just how to handle my father. She’s not going to let him bankrupt the hold and then leave her son with a mess. She’s going to rule with an iron fist. She’s going to put my father on anallowance.
I almost want to be there to see it. Almost.
My wife hasbeen gone for too long.
I know it’s just for dinner with her father so she can explain her motives. I’ve met the man, and a more pompous and careless fool I’ve never seen. He’s like every holder lord I’ve met, concerned with his own comforts over the needs of his people. His court lady should keep him in check, though. I’ve met her type before and she hasn’t worked this hard to let him piss away everything she’s gained. I’m not worried they’ll insist Aspeth return to Honori Hold. The new wife won’t want Aspeth around to object to how she runs things.
Mostly, I just want to grab Aspeth and hold her tight against my chest. It’s been a long, eventful day—a long, eventful month, actually—and we haven’t had a chance to have a conversation since we left the crypt. I’ve been embroiled in guild bullshit all day and all night, working with Rooster to move Magpie’s master ranking over to me, establishing my guild contracts, ensuring that Magpie will have a stipend of some kind no matter what happens, fighting for her students to be given another chance, and then because I’m Taurian, pushing for others of my kind to be given more weight with the guild. Osprey, Raptor, and so many others work too hard to get overlooked permanently. I haven’t gotten as far as I want, but with me as a guild master, I’m hoping that it will pave the way for others.
That’s for the future, though. For the present, I want to know what Aspeth’s plans are.
I want to know what’s going to happen between us.
I want to know what the king said.
I hate having to wait to even talk to my wife. That the guards outside the inn have made it very clear I’m not allowed in to see her until sheleaves her father’s table. So I stand outside, in my full guild master regalia, and I wait, arms crossed.
I can be just as bullheaded as any noble. I’m making it clear to them that I’m not leaving without my wife. Bad enough that she’s been sent off with her father without anyone letting me know. I’ve already filled Rooster’s ears on what I think of that.
“They’re holders,” he’d explained as if that answered everything. “They don’t answer to me.”
I don’t care if he’s right. I’m still pissed about it.
So I wait. And when one of the guards sends a message inside, I half expect to be escorted from the premises despite all my trappings. Instead, they open the door to the inn and let me through. My wife is on her feet, and she dutifully kisses the cheek of her father, an elder balding man with a thick gut and ridiculous pointy shoes that mean he cares more for fashion than for common sense. He gives me a dismissive look—which I ignore—and then heads out with a pretty woman on his arm. Aspeth remains a few steps behind, her gaze on me.
“Wife,” I say when she gets close enough, a wealth of meaning in my tone.