The nerve! I clamp my jaw shut to keep from yelling out about his lies.
The king holds a hand up. “You have left a paper trail of your intentions with the guild, I’m afraid. The time for claiming innocence is long past. I find you guilty of conspiring to take over a hold, though whether or not it is Honori Hold is questionable. The Chatworth Hold must donate no less than eight artifacts of the guild’s choosing, four major and four minor. These artifacts will be split between the guild and the throne as penance for your crimes.”
That…that’s it?
That’s a slap on the wrist.
It’ll hurt Barnabus’s family in their trove, of course, but consideringthat he just had a bunch of artifacts dug up, I’m not thrilled. They’ll easily acquire comparable artifacts again, and I love how the king was sure to specify that the artifacts are going to go to the guild and to him. Nothing for my poor family’s hold, which was on the verge of being wiped out.
Even so, I know this is how the game is played. The king is always careful with the holder families, because he doesn’t want them rising up against him. He’s also careful with the guild for the same reason. It’s all a game of power, and Magpie is nobody to him, whereas Barnabus might be an ally in the future. Hence, the slap on the wrist.
It’s ironic that if Barnabus had succeeded in taking over my father’s keep, we’d have been murdered and there would be no repercussions because there would be no family left to protest to the king. But caught in the act? Caught in the act, you pay the price.
Barnabus isn’t happy with the king’s ruling, though. “Your Majesty,” he protests, “this has all been a misunderstanding. I’ve never tried to take over Honori Hold. To do so would be foolishness, as I’m to marry into the family.”
“The lady is already married,” a familiar voice calls out, and Hawk strides forward. My heart flutters and I clutch my friends’ hands tightly as the big Taurian approaches the king. Even though I’m squinting, he looks amazing. Handsome. Powerful. Strong. “Aspeth is my wife.”
Barnabus flicks a dismissive look over at Hawk. “A marriage in secret to a Taurian commoner doesn’t count.”
“The lady is married to a guild master,” Rooster corrects, “and a highly respected one. Do not disparage him.”
I gasp. Guild master? When…?
Sure enough, Hawk’s sash is the bright, vivacious red of the guild masters, and sprinkled with many pins. They must have seen his brilliance and finally given him the rank he deserved all along. He should have been the master all this time instead of Magpie. Elated, I sniff back tears of joy. If nothing else, Hawk will be fine. He will teach students to succeed and then he’ll make enough from their tithes that he’ll be able to pay back his hand. More than anything, he’ll get the respect from the guild that he deserves.
“Silence, all of you,” the king says in a bored voice. He raises a hand in the air, waiting for the courtroom to quiet. When it does, he eyes Barnabus. “You have heard my verdict. Do you have a problem with it?”
Barnabus’s expression grows sulky. “I just—”
“Do you have a problem with it?” the king repeats, his tone flat.
“Of course not, Your Majesty.” He bows and backs away. “Chatworth Hold will comply with your decision. I will inform my father’s men at once so they can prepare the treasury.”
And I’d be willing to bet that his father won’t be thrilled.
“Let us continue,” the king says. “Bring up Magpie’s students.”
Hands linked, we get to our feet. Kipp leads the way as we head to stand in front of the king. I keep my chin up, because I don’t want to look guilty. I know what I did. I accept responsibility for it.
“Magpie’s students, you have been accused of attempting to steal from the guild. You—”
“It was me,” I blurt out, stepping forward. “I was the one behind everything. The others are innocent.”
“No, Aspeth—” Lark protests. Gwenna takes my hand and Mereden steps forward to my side, Kipp next to her.
The king sighs heavily and then raises his hand, silencing us. “Let me speak, or it’s going to go badly for you.”
Chastised, I duck my head. Can’t piss off the king or we’re just going to make things worse.
“I have been told that while Aspeth was the mastermind, she could not possibly work on her own. Seeing you now, I agree.”
“Therefore, I find the Five of Magpie’s students guilty of attempted theft and breaking guild law. Guild law states that you should be expelled from the guild entirely.”
My heart sinks. I’ve doomed the others.