Page 64 of Clueless Romeo

I raised my hand and knocked, holding my breath as I waited. I'd never been unsure about what the hell I was doing with my life, but I felt like a fool running to my little sister for help sorting it out. If there even was something to sort out. In all likelihood, CJ was done with me, and that thought formed a dark pit filled with regret in my stomach.

The door swung open, and I was met by a guy, metal sticking out of his lower lip and one eyebrow. He eyed me carefully before breaking out into a boyish grin that was at complete odds with his all-black clothes and spiked green mohawk. "Aw, man, I recognize you from pictures, but I wasn't sure Jazmine would ever introduce us."

I assumed the guy was Jazmine's boyfriend.

Jazmine was probably going to kill me for showing up unannounced. While she insisted on being nosy about my personal life, she kept hers guarded. I held out my hand. "Roman."

"I know who you are. I'm Halo." He took my hand and shook it once before stepping back and holding the door open wider. "Come on in. Jaz is cooking dinner."

I highly doubted that was his real name. But these days, who knew.

"Jaz is cooking?" I asked in surprise as I stepped inside and was immediately surrounded by the smell of spices in the air. Since when had my sister become all domesticated?

Halo closed the door, walking past me into the living room designed with eclectic pieces of art hanging on the walls and some random ass statue of Buddha. "Lasagna. She's the best, so if you're hungry—"

"Who is it?" my sister yelled from the kitchen, separated by a walled partition.

"It's just me, Jaz," I yelled back.

She popped her head around the corner, brow furrowed. "Does this mean the talk didn't go well?"

I glanced at her boyfriend, who took the cue and bowed out while slipping a cigarette from his pocket. "I'll be out back."

As he passed Jazmine, he kissed the top of her head, and she glared at me, sayingshut upwith her eyes.

When the balcony door closed, I cocked a brow. "He seems nice."

"He is nice. Now tell me what happened." She held up a finger. "Actually, give me one second to turn the oven down."

When she disappeared from sight, I sank down on the faux leather sectional couch and looked around. I'd been to Jazmine's place several times, but I noticed new additions, like the many pairs of skater shoes and heavy boots near the door and a gaming system that hadn't been here the last time I'd visited.

Jazmine strode back into the room, tugging off a violet-colored apron and draping it over the back of the couch. She sat on the cushion facing me. "Well? What happened?"

I tipped my head toward the pile of shoes. "He living with you now?"

Jaz scowled. "We aren't talking about me—"

"Why not? You said he's nice and he's staying with you. Why didn't you want me to meet him?"

Jazmine slumped back into the cushion and crossed her arms. "I don't know. You know I'm not good with all of that emotional stuff."

She was wrong. My sister had a big heart, even if she pretended otherwise. "You love him?"

She shrugged. "Wouldn't have moved his shit in if I didn't."

"Have you introduced him to our parents?" I questioned.

Jazmine shook her head with a sigh. "Not yet. You weren't even supposed to meet him yet. But here you are."

"Why are you so afraid of people knowing you're happy?" I asked because while I knew my sister was extremely private, it never made sense why she was so guarded about relationships.

"I'm not afraid, Roman. I'm just protective of it. It's hard to explain. And anyway, that's not why you're here." She gave me a pointed look. "What happened with CJ?"

I blew out a long breath and lifted one shoulder. "You were wrong, and I blew it."

She scoffed. "I wasnotwrong, but it doesn't shock me at all that you blew it."

I scowled. "I already feel like shit, Jaz. Can you just not right now?"