Page 30 of Clueless Romeo

Looking at him, I sat back too. "You were right. He's not hard on the eyes, and we have sports in common." But there were also several things we didn't as well. "He seems to have expensive tastes."

Roman nodded. "He does, but Nate doesn't act like it. He's easy to talk to and outgoing. He isn't just about money, or I wouldn't have matched you two."

MatchedNate and me. That sounded wrong. I didn't feel any connection there, but that didn't mean it would be the same in person. Right? And how close of a connection did we really need anyway? It was one date unless we hit it off and something casual started between us.

"Has he said he'd like to meet?" I asked while folding my arms over my chest and slouching in the chair.

Roman nodded. "Yes. He's out of town until the end of the week, but he expressed interest when I emailed him your info earlier. Before I made further plans, I wanted to talk to you, obviously."

That made sense, but this all still felt bigger than one date territory. "And you told Nate I wasn't looking for anything serious? This is still just because of the bet, Roman."

Roman frowned before schooling his features. "I mentioned you were dipping your toes into the dating pool."

"That's not…" Rubbing my palms over my jeans, I sighed. "Why do I get the feeling you're trying to make this about more than a lost bet?"

He drummed his fingers on the desk, studying me closely. "Would that be so bad?"

I wasn't sure, but I didn't like the idea of being kept in the dark about those plans. My approval was necessary, and he hadn't received or even asked for my agreement. On the other hand, hadn't I decided what I needed to start exploring my interest in men was something casual? If this guy really was up for that, then maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea. "And when will thisdatebe happening?"

"I'll have to run it by Nate. But this is a yes then?" His eyebrows shot high as if my response hadn't been what he expected.

I huffed. "This is a lost-bet date and a we'll-see-about-anything-else situation."

Roman chuckled. "Fair enough."

I pushed out of the chair. "Are we done now? Can you just let me know when and where I have to be?"

"Actually, I was wondering if you have plans tonight?" Roman turned and shut down his laptop.

After a brief pause, I responded. "After this conversation, my only plans include bingeing reruns and drinking a cold beer."

A deep laugh rumbled in his chest as he stood. "Any chance you want to grab one together? I need a beer too, and I don't like to drink alone."

I hesitated, unsure if that was a good idea with the thoughts I'd had about him for the latter half of the day. But I wasn't a huge fan of drinking alone either, and what real harm would come from hitting a bar together? All I had to do was keep my damn body in check. Simple. "Sure. Same place as last time?"

"That okay?" He rounded the desk and headed out of the office, so I followed. "It's where I normally go because it's convenient. Unless you want to try somewhere else."

I honestly didn't care, and I liked the low-key environment. "No, that's perfect."

Roman stopped at the entrance, and a shiver raced over my skin as his fingers brushed mine when he passed me my coat. Clearing my throat, I offered a raspy"Thanks".

Bundled up to ward off the chill, we headed outside and down the sidewalk toward the bar.

The street was busy with cars bumper to bumper due to weekend traffic, and when we stepped into the bar, it was more crowded than it had been the last time we'd come together. Most of the tables were taken, and the music was louder, shattering the relaxed environment I'd expected.

As we approached the bar, Olive was visibly swamped, quickly whipping up drinks and passing out beer. While we joined the line of people waiting to order, I scanned the room, searching for an unoccupied table.

"Want to grab that table, and I'll pick up our drinks?" Roman pointed as he leaned toward me, speaking directly into my ear.

His breath coasted along my sensitive skin, and I instantly knew the night wasn't going to be any easier than the day had been. My cock thickened at the ticklish sensation, so I readily agreed, if only to create some much-needed space between us. I needed to let reality knock some sense into me. "Sounds like a plan."

We parted ways, and I claimed the table, sliding onto the barstool. Instinctively, my gaze shot back to Roman, who stood at the bar. With a clear view of his profile, I watched as he leaned forward with his elbows on the bar top. His lips were quirked into a grin that was aimed at Olive, who smiled back, a seductive gleam in her eyes.

I tried to ignore the stir of red-hot jealousy that instantly burned in the pit of my stomach, but it only grew stronger when she passed him two tall glasses and ran her fingers over the back of his hand.

He stepped back away from her touch, and I felt stupid for the relief that washed over me. Not only had Roman told me there had never been anything between him and Olive, but I also had no claim on him. I never would.

So what if he ended up banging the bartender. Or anyone else, for that matter. I became more convinced I needed to meet Nate. Hell, anyone at this point.