Page 13 of Clueless Romeo

That was true. Once again, and objectively speaking, I thought CJ was a good-looking guy. And that was putting it mildly. I studied him, picking up on details I hadn't noticed before. His raven-colored hair had the slightest cowlick. A small scar on his chin marred his otherwise perfect face. Fortunately, it only added to his appearance, giving his face character. His pale skin held the slightest hint of a tan over a tall, hard body, and his ice-blue eyes were lighter than I'd initially thought.

His looks would have many of my clients foaming at the mouth. But there had been a reason I'd specifically used women in my statement. I wondered if he'd correct me or if I'd really been wrong. I loved a challenge, but not being able to pick his brain drove me crazy.

CJ took a long drink and slouched down on the barstool. "So, you don't have people looking for casual relationships."

It wasn't a question this time. More like he was letting the information sink in. A look of disappointment flashed over his features, there and gone so fast I would have missed it if I hadn't been studying him so intently. Something about the entire conversation led me to believe there was more to what he was saying.

"Problems finding girls?" It had been a joke, an attempt to get back to a lighter tone, but one that didn't seem to be well received.

He didn't laugh or even crack a grin. "Not exactly."

Intrigued, I tilted my head, trying to pry into his thoughts. "What exactly then?"

"Nothing." He tipped his glass back. I raised my eyebrows as he emptied the remaining beer down his throat. Setting it down a little harder than necessary, he glanced around. "I need another. You?"

My day was booked solid tomorrow, so I should stop drinking, or I would be tired as hell in the morning. But I wasn't done trying to figure him out. Not even close. Against my better judgment, I nodded. "Sure."

He stood, and I watched as he made his way to the bar. His replies had been vague and measured as if he had to stop himself from saying too much. I didn't want to hound him for answers, but he'd been the one to start with the line of questions.

Olive placed two beers on the counter, and CJ said something before gathering the tall glasses and carrying them back to our table. He passed one to me and sat again.

CJ's eyes were focused on the table as he bit his lower lip again. My gaze was again drawn to the move, and I gave myself an inward shake, forcing myself to meet his gaze. "I didn't mean to badger you. You don't have to tell me anything."

His eyes filled with relief, and a brief lull in the conversation was filled by quietly listening to the music while sipping our beers.

CJ clearing his throat brought my attention back to him. His eyes met mine, appearing wary. "What if I was interested in men?"

The abrupt shift back to men caught me off guard, but I schooled my features. I finally asked the burning question aloud. "Are you gay?"

"No," CJ said sharply, leaving me more puzzled before he sighed and scrubbed a hand over his face. "Yes. Probably bi?"

I rapped my knuckles against the tabletop. "So, you're just—"

"Curious. Interested? Don't know what the fuck I'm doing with a guy?" He shrugged. "Yeah, pretty much."

That hadn't been what I was going to ask. I'd been going in the direction of adding up all of the questions he'd asked over the last hour. I'd wanted to know if he was just looking to date men, but it hadn't crossed my mind he had zero experience with them. "You've never been with a guy?"

CJ groaned and shook his head. "I have no idea why I'm telling you this shit."

"You don't have to tell me anything," I repeated as I leaned forward, elbows on the tabletop. "But if you want to, I'll listen."

"Doesn't bother you?" CJ cocked a brow, but he still appeared cautious.

I wanted to put his mind at ease because I truly didn't care where he wanted to stick his cock. "Why would that bother me?"

CJ gave me a pointed look. "Shit may be advancing in the world, but we are still in the South, and I'm an athlete. Or was." He waved off the comment with a sigh. "Whatever."

"It doesn't bother me. I'm just curious." The word sounded wrong now. "About you."Wrong again. "About the whole situation."

"Situation," he muttered, glancing around while avoiding my gaze.

I quickly backpedaled. I never stumbled over my words and wasn't sure what my problem was now. "That's not what I meant. Let me start over."

He finally looked back at me and groaned quietly. "I've thought about using apps just to see what happens. I know I've been attracted to men, but acting on it is another story." He tilted his head as if considering his words. "I'm not sure how I would react if people found out somehow."

His words made me wonder if he was attracted to me in that way. Not that I intended to ask and knew it was presumptuous at best. "Does Caleb know?"

"Fuck no. I'm not telling that loudmouth. You are literally the only one I've ever told." His brow furrowed. "You can't tell him. Or anyone."