Roman shrugs. "This what you want?"
I arch a brow in question. "To get married?"
"Well, yeah." He shrugs again, uncertainty shining in his eyes. "I mean one day. Is this…"
Was Roman asking me if I want to eventually get married in general? Or to him? My heart pounds in my chest, but I need to know the answer. "Ask what you mean."
"Would you want to get married one day…" He hesitates. "To me?"
The pounding in my chest becomes erratic, and my breaths shallow. "Well, I'm not marrying anyone else."
"Better fuckin' not." Relief fills his gaze, and I wonder how long he'd been thinking about marriage.
Still, the response brings a laugh to my lips. "I mean, that could change. I guess we'll have to see how I feel when you get around to asking." He stops on the spot without dropping my hand and pulls me back. I steady myself and look at him with an arched brow. "I was only kidding."
Roman's shaking, I notice, when he swallows audibly. "I'm asking now."
"You're asking…"What exactly?
He must see the confusion in my expression because he clarifies, "CJ, I'm asking if you want to marry me one day."
Then, what he's trying but failing to say clicks together. A laugh of disbelief slips from my lips. "That's a proposal? It was a generic question at best, Roman. And you do this for a living."
He frowns. "This isn't someone else's life. It's different when I'm trying to make my boyfriend reluctantly—apparently—say yes. Now answer the question."
"What's the question again?" I teased. I wanted him to ask me outright, so I could say yes, the way he wanted.
Roman scowls. "Nope. Never mind. You've lost your chance now."
"Fine." I sigh dramatically, but it's happiness that fills every inch of my heart, leaving me in a state of pure contentment. "Yeah, I guess I'll marry you."
Roman starts walking again but doesn't let go of my hand. If anything, his grasp tightens. "I said no. I changed my mind."
A deep laugh rumbles up my throat. "I'll change it back."
Roman snorts, adding an additional one for good measure. Dramatic cocky bastard. "Never."
I sigh. "Fine, I guess then one day I'll marry some other g—"
He whips around, dropping to one knee, glancing up at me with love, and somehow sliding a glare in there. "Marry me, CJ." Then added, "You better not marry some other asshole."
I go still, and my heart gives an extra beat. "You're the only asshole I'll marry, I promise." He pauses before a full belly laugh booms in the air around us. I love the sound of his laughter. It makes me smile. "Yes, Roman Love. Of course I'll marry you."
He's still grinning before his smile falls. "Fuck. I didn't plan this very well. The ring is still at home in a shoebox in our closet."
Shaking my head, I tug on his hand, urging him to his feet. I don't need a ring. I don't need anything buthim. "You had plans that included this suit and our bed, right?"
Roman grins as he straightens. "Damn right. I gotta make sure my fiancé stays satisfied."
I chuckle, warmth blooming in my chest as I look at him.My fiancé. Nothing can ever compare to the way I love him.
He's the extra beat of my heart.
He's the first person I think about each morning and the comforting arms I sleep tightly wrapped in each night. "After the reception, I'm holding you to that."
His eyes heat with promises. "I can't wait to call you mine. Forever. You good with a short engagement?"
"Someone's impatient." I laugh as we make our way to where my parents talk to Caleb and Christa near the gazebo.