Page 76 of Clueless Romeo

"Welp. I better go find Christa and see if she wants to hang around. I'm betting Phoenix and Arch won't make another appearance until the reception."

I nod because that wouldn't surprise me at all. We're due in an hour at The Coffee Symphony, a little corner café where Phoenix had proposed to Archer. I figure that's enough time for Arch and Phoenix to finish boning again.

Caleb sets off to find his girlfriend while I look through the crowd, who have all risen to their feet, many who start dispersing toward the parking lot while others, who plan to join us at the coffee shop, linger in conversation. But that's not really what catches my attention. Striding toward me, Roman doesn't greet anyone. He closes the distance and snatches my hand, tugging me after him without a word, heading toward the shadowed tree line behind the gazebo.

Not that I particularly mind being dragged around caveman style. I pull my hand back to slow him down once we are out of sight. "Where are we going?"

Roman pauses and glances at me over his shoulder, heat blazing in his eyes. "Have I told you how bitable, lickable,fuckableyou look in that suit?"

Well damn. My heart thumps as I clear my throat and wave toward the direction he'd been leading us. "As you were."

Roman chuckles as he begins walking again, then slowing as we step beneath the leafy canopy of a giant maple tree. He turns and leans his back against the trunk and rubs his thumb over the back of my hand. "Do you have any idea how hard it was to stay in my seat and not steal you away? You look"—he hums low in his throat as his gaze takes a lazy stroll from my eyes to the tips of my shiny shoes—"almost as good as you do naked in my bed."

"Our bed," I correct, and he tugs my hand hard, pulling my body against his.

I'd moved into his apartment less than a month after making things official, but we both wanted to get a house as soon as possible. Caleb was the worst neighbor ever.

Chest to chest, I lean forward, rubbing the tip of my nose along his neck. "Maybe you'll get to see me in the suit on the bed."

Roman groans, and his hips jerk when I grind against him. He rolls his body, creating friction that makes my sac draw tight as he rasps, "That's a guaran-fucking-tee."

My cock throbs to the rhythm he sets between our bodies, and I barely manage to croak, "Yeah?"

"Definitely." He places a kiss on my neck, breath whispering over my skin, and sends a shiver through my body. "You know what's funny?" He waits until I hum in answer because that's all I can do. "I've been called Cupid since high school. But it turns out maybe I was just a clueless Romeo."

I snort, but it's breathy as he runs his tongue over the place he kissed. "You're not any kind of Romeo."

"No?" He groans, and I slap a palm over his mouth as I move my hand between us and palm his dick.

As I begin to work his cock through his pants, I shake my head. "Well, maybe. But I'd hardly callthisa tragedy." I squeeze, and he shudders.

Roman pulls back, mouth parted as he moans. "Definitely not a tragedy."

I run a single finger over Roman's lips, and he nips the tip before taking it inside his mouth. He wraps his lips tight and sucks on the damn thing as greedily as he sucks my dick. Said dick is begging for release. "Definitely not," I agree. He hums around my finger, and the vibration shoots to my balls. "You're everything I didn't know I wanted."

Roman stills, and I remove my finger, tracing the slick digit over his lips again.

"That so?" he whispers, deceptively soft, before using his strength to whip me around. My back hits the scratchy bark, but it's the last thing I'm focused on when Roman erases the space between us once more.

Roman doesn't pick up where he left off. He dips forward and brushes a soft kiss on my lips. "You know I love you, right?"

"So you weren't mouthingalligator foodat me?" I roll my eyes.

Roman grins, a chuckle playing on his tongue before he sobers, blue eyes turning serious. "I love you more than I thought possible."

My throat constricts with emotion. "I love you too, Cupid. Like, a lot."

His swallow is audible when he pulls back. "Can we get out of here? Or do we need to stay?"

Phoenix had already kidnapped Archer from their own wedding. Still, there was no way he'd miss the reception when he had written a secret song he'd be performing for Arch. I groan because I really want to agree to Roman's suggestion. "I wish, but there's no way I'm skipping any part of my best friend's wedding. But afterward…"

His eyes fill with heat, and I chuckle. "We better join everyone else before you try to change my mind, because I'm already tempted."

I step around him and take his hand this time as we walk side by side back to the area where a few people still linger by the chairs.

"So, what do you think about all this?" Roman asks.

When I glance over at him, he waves his hand toward the lighted gazebo where I stood as one of Archer's groomsmen. My brow furrows. "What about it?"