Page 46 of Clueless Romeo

Sighing, I set my phone back on the nightstand and slouched down until I was flat on my back and staring at the ceiling again.

I tried to convince myself it didn't matter if Roman decided it had been a mistake. He'd been the one to act like a jealous prick in the first place, and I hadn't forced him to do anything. If he wanted to freak out, that was on him. What had happened between us hadn't been my fault. Two people had participated, and he was the only one struggling to accept what it meant. Roman was definitely not as straight as he thought.

While I might be pissed it had ended the way it did, I still couldn't regret my first experience had been with Roman.

It didn't matter. It was over, and I just needed to move on with my life.

* * *

After weeksof below-normal freezing temperatures, Atlanta had finally pushed through and welcomed a bright sunny day. The warm breeze ruffling my hair and the comforting texture of the basketball in my hand was exactly what I needed after a weekend of having nothing to do but obsess over the night with Roman.

Luckily Monday had dawned with the arrival of the missing merchandise, and the shop was back on track. Since we had set up most of the previous delivery, I had time to unpack and consider the layout where it would make the most impact. Setting up the professional-grade equipment displays and the posters of Atlanta's professional athletes that used said equipment had distracted me for most of the day. By the time Caleb and Christa had taken my Jeep to meet up with her parents, I turned toward the one thing I could count on to ease my mind.

The ball thumped against the cracked concrete as I jogged toward the neglected hoop. I stopped on a dime at the invisible three-point line and sank a perfectly arched teardrop shot. The swish of the net was something I'd always found calming and was equal to success. So, I ran back and forth across the forgotten city court alone, sinking shot after shot until my arms were little more than limp noodles and sweat dripped down my face.

Feeling loose and in control, I headed for the rickety three-tiered bleachers. I snagged the water bottle I'd brought along with one of the specialized cooling towels we carried. I wiped my face and slung the cloth around my neck before chugging the water.

"I thought I'd find you here."

I froze at the sound of Roman's voice. Roman, also known as the man I'd successfully avoided for the last few days. Maybe he'd been dodging me. Or just maybe the stars had fucking aligned so we wouldn't cross paths. Why the hell was he here?

Recapping the bottle, I looked toward the real-life Cupid strolling my way. When he stopped several yards away and shoved his hands in his coat pockets, I cocked a brow. "Didn't realize anyone would be looking for me."

Especially you, I thought.

"You've been avoiding me." His tone was full of accusations that grated on my nerves, and I failed to see his point.

"And you care because?" I asked.

He stood silent, working his jaw back and forth.

I shrugged as I scooped up the basketball and turned to head back to the shop. When I heard his footsteps behind me, I sighed. "I don't know why you took the time to hunt me down if you refuse to answer me."

Roman gritted out through his teeth. "Tell me why you're dodging me."

Was he serious? "I think we both know the answer to that."

"Look." Roman sped up until he walked by my side along the sidewalk of the quiet street. "I didn't know how to react. You know I'm not…"

"Gay?" I snorted. "Your hand on my dick felt pretty damn gay, Roman. But I get it. So whatever this is—you tracking me down, don't bother."

"So you're just going to continue to ignore me?" He sounded as frustrated as I felt.

"Nope." I let theppop on my lips. "Why would I? As far as I'm concerned, nothing happened."

"Nothing happened," he whispered, followed by a derisive laugh. "You're pissed. That's fair. But something did happen, CJ, and I still don't completely understand why I feel the way I do. But It doesn't mean I didn't like it."

I shot him a smile that was all teeth. "I'm aware of how much you liked it."

At least he admitted he'd been just as down for it as I'd been. Maybe even more so because he'd put his hand on my dick first.

"Stop being an ass, CJ." He scowled.

Shaking my head, I sped up. "Then don't fucking follow me."

"We're headed in the same direction," he argued. "I kinda have to follow you."

I groaned in frustration. "Because you hunted me the fuck down for reasons you don't care to fully explain."