Page 4 of Clueless Romeo

My brow furrowed as I turned and leaned my back on the glass door. "The wedding is tomorrow."

"Exactly." Jazmine gave me a look that said,duh.

Technically my job was finished once my clients found a match. But occasionally, a few would hang around until they were in possession of a shiny new marriage certificate, which was the case with Sherry. I wasn't screwing up my damn near-perfect success rate because of a bad case of nerves.

I gave in to the urge and ran my fingers through my neatly groomed hair as I mentally made a plan to fix the problem. "I'll be back soon. If Sherry shows up while I'm gone, just send her to my office and keep her calm."

"On it, boss." Jazmine blew a bubble, popping it then peeling the sticky pieces from her lips.

I grimaced. "That's kind of gross."

She scowled and tapped the imaginary watch on her wrist. "And you're kind of going to be late if you keep standing there worried about what I'm doing."

"I have no idea why I haven't fired you." I sighed as I straightened.

"Because Mom would kill you?" she offered with a snarky grin.

Jazmine wasn't only my secretary. The smart-mouthed goth-fairy was also my younger sister. Shaking my head, I groaned. "I always knew you were her favorite."

Her grin only widened. "Tick, tock. You're on the clock. You better…" She trailed off as her gaze shot over my shoulder. "Looks like the hot as hell twins are back."

I turned, looking through the wide window, to see a black Jeep coming to a stop along the curb in front of the other half of the old forest-green Victorian home that the owner had converted into two office suites. My matchmaking service had occupied the left side for three years, while the other side had sat vacant for almost as long. "Jazmine's stalker mode activated," I taunted my sister.

"You're such an asshole." Jazmine swatted my arm as she moved next to me. "I guess they decided to rent the space."

"Probably," I agreed. "Make that definitely," I amended just as a white moving truck pulled in behind the Jeep.

The first time they'd checked out the suite next door, I was with a client and hadn't been available to speak to them. I honestly figured they had decided to move on to something with more visibility like everyone else who'd viewed the space.

We watched as one twin exited the Jeep and the other, the box truck. To the casual observer, they were identical, both of them tall, with midnight-black hair, and pale skin over lean-muscled builds. But their differences were also obvious. One twin appeared to be semi-neatly put together, and the other appeared as if he'd rolled straight out of bed.

Jazmine sighed dreamily, and I took that as my cue to leave before she drooled all over the cherry hardwood floor. Shaking my head, I looked over at her. "I'll be back. If Sherry—"

"Yes, you told me already, and I can handle her. Just go get coffee and let me get back to…uh, work." Her gaze met mine briefly before shooting back toward the twins.

Even as a straight man, I was objectively aware they were attractive. That didn't mean I was okay with watching my sister salivate over the pair. I held back a snort as I turned toward the door. "Don't scare them off."

As I pulled the door open, Jazmine hissed something under her breath, likely throwing a tantrum. I stepped out onto the wooden porch seeking the heat from the early afternoon sun's rays that broke through the cumulus clouds dotting the sky. The warmth barely penetrated the chilly winter wind, so I shoved my hands in my jacket pockets and headed down the white-painted steps. The planks creaked beneath my weight, and two sets of identical eyes snapped over to where I made my way down to the sidewalk.

When I stood before them, I noticed they were taller than I'd initially thought. While my six-one height was nothing to sneeze at, they easily towered a few inches over me. And up-close, the ice-blue color of their eyes, that were several shades lighter than mine, were shadowed by long, dark eyelashes.

"S'up?" The twin, who appeared to have thrown on wrinkled clothes just before leaving the house, tipped his chin.

"Hey." The other guy eyed me differently. He carefully scrutinized me with a look I couldn't quite decipher before squinting at the sign hanging outside the door in front of my suite.

As far as first meetings go, this one was a little lackluster. One word from each of them was not the best ice breaker. But that was okay because building relationships was my strong suit, and if we were going to be neighbors, I was more than happy to get the ball rolling.

"I'm Roman. I own Love's Matchbook. Looks like we're neighbors." I held out my hand, and the twin not studying my office slapped my palm and then snapped his fingers. Not exactly what I was going for, but I wasn't surprised either.

"I'm Caleb," he said and then tilted his head toward his brother. "This is Corey Joe."

At the sound of his name, Corey Joe shot a glare at Caleb before looking at me as I offered my hand to him as well. After a moment's hesitation, he took it, giving it a firm shake. "JustCJ." From his facial expressions I could see the questions forming as he let go of my hand. "Matchmaking?" His tone betrayed his surprise. "You're the owner?"

I let my grin spread wide, proud of my business but also aware he was likely wondering how the fuck I'd decided on my line of work. "I am."

"The fuck ismatchmaking?" Caleb asked, sounding bewildered.

CJ's nostrils flared as he glanced at his twin. "You really are an idiot."