"Some of my girlfriends. I could ditch them and take you back to my place again." Her perfectly straight white teeth sank into her lip.
Jesus. The girl couldn't take a hint. I shook my head and grabbed Serena's arm, steering her back into the bar.
I struggled to keep her upright while entering the fray of bodies crammed in the room. I scanned the crowd for CJ. With his height and striking appearance, I expected to spot him easily.
Our table had been claimed by a group of girls despite both of our jackets hanging on the backs of the barstools. My brow furrowed when I couldn't find CJ anywhere in the bar. Where had he disappeared to?
Before I could hunt him down, I needed to get Serena to her friends.
Stopping, I glanced down at her. "Where are your friends?"
She pointed to a corner booth filled with women dressed in similar skimpy outfits.
I led her over and all but pushed her onto the cushioned bench, meeting the eyes of the brunette seated directly next to her. "She should probably get home soon."
And then I took off, ready to make my escape.
I headed toward the bar without looking back while still searching for CJ, but he'd seemingly vanished.The hell?
Olive was busy shaking a tumbler but cocked her head as I stepped next to a barstool and thumped the counter. I wondered if she could tell I was agitated because she hurried to finish making the drink.
"Hey, I was beginning to think you skipped out on your tab when I saw CJ leave." She glanced over my shoulder before looking at me again. "But then I saw you with Serena."
It was obvious by the look Olive gave me that she thought Serena was a bad idea. She didn't need to tell me what I already knew, so I focused on the fact that CJ had left. Maybe it had been an emergency? He had left without his jacket, and it was cold as hell outside. "Did he seem upset? Like something happened?"
Had he tried to let me know? CJ had my number, but I hadn't felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Still, I fished it free from my jeans and checked the screen as she responded.Nothing.
"Didsomething happen?" Olive pried, curiosity sparking in her eyes when I glanced at her again.
I wasn't aware of anything that would make him leave, but niggling doubt settled in the back of my brain. I wanted to track CJ down to make sure he was okay. "I just need to settle my tab."
"Gotcha." She nodded as she worked to cash me out. "I get the feeling I should say good luck or something."
Olive appeared as confused as I felt, but the situation likely had a reasonable explanation. I forced myself to relax because the worry seemed blown out of proportion. Yet it seriously bothered me that for whatever reason, he'd left without his jacket.
Wouldn't he have remembered it when he stepped outside and was met with freezing wind? Something had to be wrong.
I became more unsettled by the second. After a quick goodbye to Olive, I waded through the noisy crowd toward our table. I gathered both coats, slipping mine on and hurried outside into the frigid night air.
I wondered if Olive had picked up on something I'd missed. Why would she say anything about needing to wish me luck? And she hadn't responded to whether CJ looked upset.
Pausing on the sidewalk, I glanced left and right. No CJ in sight.Damn it.
With my mind set on finding him, I rushed in the direction of our homes. When I drew close to the house, I spotted a shadowed figure perched on the steps, hunched over. He was fucking shivering.
At the sound of my quickened footsteps, CJ glanced up. As I halted in place standing in front of him, I was met with a frosty stare that had nothing to do with the color. His gaze was as ice-cold as the wind that swept through my hair and slapped against my cheeks.
"What the hell, CJ?" I growled and tossed him his coat. "What are you doing out here?"
He rose to his feet and pulled his jacket on with jerky movements. "Clearly freezing my ass off because Caleb isn't answering the door, and I left my phone and keys in my jacket."
"And you didn't just come back for them?" I arched my brow because that made no sense. "Why'd you bail in the first place?"
CJ's eyebrows shot high before his eyes narrowed. "Ibailed?"
"Uh, yes?" I paused and studied his expression. CJ was angry, I realized, seemingly at me for reasons I didn't understand. Ignoring the way my dick screamed in protest at the cold, I settled in to have this conversation. I tilted my head and took one step closer to him, leaving no more than three feet between us. "What is happening right now?"
CJ snorted and shook his head. "I didn't bail on you, Roman. That was all you. Was I supposed to stand around waiting until you were done fucking some girl?"