"You got it." She thumped the solid oak top lightly with her palm.
While she moved around, I scanned the packed room and groaned when I spotted our table. Or what used to be our table. I hadn't given it any thought when Roman and I had taken off in opposite directions. All four seats were now filled with girls with heavily made-up faces and wearing skimpy clothes.
"Shit," I muttered under my breath.
"Here you go." Olive regained my attention when she set the beers down.
"Thank you," I answered and scooped up the glasses. While I backed away from the bar, I scanned the room again, still not spotting Roman anywhere.
Not knowing what else to do since our table was occupied, I headed toward the back of the pub where he'd gone. I leaned against the wall next to the hallway that led to the bathrooms, planning on catching him as he came out.
As I sipped my beer and waited for Roman, seductively spoken words reached my ears from the hallway.
It was a girl, and my back stiffened when a throaty moan uttered a name that cut through the noise like a sharp blade. "Roman."
Was he fucking kidding me? Anger boiled in my stomach. He had the right to flirt and fuck anyone he wanted, but had he just planned on abandoning me while he ran off to bust a nut with some chick?
Nope. I wasn't going to stand there and listen to the two of them fucking around.
Kicking off the wall, I strode toward the entrance, sliding the glasses on to a random table on my way out.
I was officially done with this fucking day.
"I haven't seenyou in a while." From the dark corner she'd pushed me into, Serena pressed a palm to my chest, lightly scraping a single long fake nail over my nipple through my shirt. The lighting at the end of the hall illuminated her platinum-colored hair and what she probably thought was a seductive smile. It turns out, it was only a drunken wobble of her glossy red lips.
A shiver ran through my body—and not the good kind.
She was a prime example of why I no longer hooked up with women I regularly ran into. In my experience, one drunken night seemed to be a permanent open invitation. So, no thank you.
The short black dress that hugged her curvy frame screamed sex. But I hoped she didn't think she was getting it from me again.
I knew what was barely hidden under that scrap of fabric, and while she had a banging ass body, I didn't do repeats, especially with stagetenclingers. Hell, I'd barely taken two steps out of the bathroom before she'd been all over me.
I needed to bail, not only because I wasn't interested, but I wasn't going to leave CJ waiting for me either.
I gripped her wrist and tugged her hand away from my chest. "I've been busy."
"You work too hard." Her voice was a purr, even over the noise from the loud bar echoing down the hall.
I wasn't sure why she thought she knew anything about my job because other than one night, I hadn't shared a single detail of my life with her.
Not bothering to suppress an exasperated sigh, I attempted to step around her. "I really need to get going."
Undeterred, Serena threw her body against mine and let loose a dramatic moan. The sound had grated on my nerves the night I'd mistakenly had her bouncing on my dick. It was so bad I hadn't even been able to get off.
"Ro-man." She squirmed, and the urge to bolt heightened.
Tilting her face up toward me, the scent of strong liquor on her breath hit my nose. Serena was more lit than I'd realized. She was also horny as fuck, and I had nothing to offer the girl.
Gently, I pushed her back once again. "You need to go home, Serena."
She giggled while balancing herself, barely teetering on sky-high heels. "You sure you aren't up for it? I seem to remember—"
I wasn't interested in her memories. They were the past and would stay there. "I'm sure you do. Who'd you come with?"