Page 20 of Clueless Romeo

I shrugged. "I think I don't have the answers to that because I've never met anyone that made me want to settle down. I've never even wanted a second date."

Roman considered me, and I wondered what he was thinking. Then he said, "Let's make this more interesting."

I tilted my head, feigning shock. "More interesting than taking a day off from work? Oh my. Do tell."

"You're such a dick." He grinned while tucking the ball under his arm. "First to ten wins."

My nose scrunched. "That isnotmore interesting."

"I wasn't finished, rude ass," he chastised. "If I win, you let me set you up on a date—"

I immediately shook my head. "I told you I didn't want anything serious."

Roman held up his free hand. "I'm not trying to marry you off. Relax."

There was no way I was losing with that on the line. I wouldn't allow it. So I focused on my prize instead. "And if I win?"

"You don't go." He gave me a look that saidduh.

"That doesn't sound like an equal bet. If I win, you should have to do something too." Fair was fair.

"All right." By his tone, Roman sounded confident he had it in the bag. "Well, let's hear it. Should I be a servant for a day?"

I shrugged. "Tempting—but no. If I win,youhave to go on a real date."

I regretted the words the second they fell from my lips. But why? Roman wasn't mine, and I didn't even want him to be, so what did I care?

His lip curled in distaste. "Just so you know, I am not a fan of that idea. But I have no intention of losing, so it's a deal."

"Bring it then." I smirked, and he shook his head.

"I'm really going to enjoy finding you the perfect guy."

When I went to respond once again about wanting nothing serious, he stripped off his hoodie, and my jaw snapped shut.

Tattoos and skin. Hard muscle and flat pink nipples.

Where the fuck was his shirt?

Not on his downright perfectly sculpted body.

I groaned under my breath.

I wassofucked.



I lost.How thefuckhad I lost?

But as I ran a towel over my wet skin the next morning, I knew the answer to that already. I'd been distracted by Roman. Covered in sweat, flashing a body made for sin, and tattoos I wanted to run my tongue over, he'd only made it harder to focus on anything but him. My body had betrayed me, and now I had to make sure Caleb, or anyone else for that matter, never found out I'd practically handed the game to the cocky love guru. Not to mention the tricky bastard had more skill than he'd let on.

Roman had been able to go back to work,andhe had won the right to set me up on a date with some unknown guy.

Fuck my life.

Was I ready for that? Didn't matter. I wouldn't go back on my word. One date. No biggie.Right?