"Maybe. Why?"
I shrugged and looked back at Quinn. I wasn't shy about my sexuality. "Your friend…is he single? Into dudes?
Quinn tensed and his jaw ticced. My brow rose as I questioned his sudden change in demeanor.
"You're gay?" Quinn asked, voice strained.
My dad better not have married into a family of homophobes, I swore. "That a problem?"
He scowled. "No, it's not a fucking problem. Don't put words in my mouth."
"Okay?" So then what was his issue? "So, your friend, Kellan—"
"Don't get any fucking ideas about Kellan." The snap of his tone and the glare he sent me were so unexpected, I wasn't sure how to respond.
"Because he's not gay?" I didn't appreciate his tone but kept my own neutral because I was still attempting to figure out my place in this new family my dad had created.
Quinn's expression hardened further. "Because he's fucking off-limits."
My eyes narrowed as I gave up on being nice. "What the fuck is your problem? The guy's your best friend, so you make all his decisions for him?"
"Because I'm looking out for him."
"And why would it be a problem if I was interested in him?" He didn't know me, so why was he a dick all of a sudden? Was I all sunshine and fucking rainbows? Hell no. I was well aware I had daddy and mommy issues and a personality that rubbed people the wrong way, not that I cared. But I'd been nothing but civil since I'd arrived.
Quinn turned to face me with his hip propped on the counter and folded his arms over his chest. "If you want a place in this family, you stay away from him. End of discussion."
Any remote chance I'd ever belong here flew out the window. I wouldn't take orders from Quinn. "Maybe I don't want a place in your little family. Good luck with that, by the way. That man in there"—I gestured toward the dining room—"is full of shit. That's not the real him."
His eyebrows rose, and he laughed. "Maybe not with you, but he's been the perfect replacement daddy with me."
His shot hit its mark. I held back a wince, but I'd hardened my heart a long time ago when it came to my father. His disregard for me had become my normal life, but was Quinn right? Was this the family my dad really wanted?
"You can fucking have my dad, but him?" I shot a look toward the window and then flashed Quinn a grin that was all teeth. "You say he's off-limits, but the truth is, you want your little bestie, don't you? He blow you off? He doesn't want you, does he?"
"You think he'd want you?" Quinn fumed, but a nervous glint showed in his eyes. It also validated my suspicion on how he felt about Kellan, and maybe even that Kellan was gay, though that assumption wasn't something I could call definitive. Quinn seethed, "Your own family didn't want you."
I sucked in a harsh breath, but I'd never let him see the effect his words had on me. Instead, I smirked. "Maybe he doesn't want you, but me?" I winked. "Maybe I'll fuck him in your bed so you can pretend it was you inside of him. You think he likes it on top or bottom?"
"I'm not gay, Arsen," he whisper-shouted.
"Tell it to someone who believes you," I taunted.
He scoffed. "Nice. We have a winner here. No wonder your mom…" He seemed to hesitate, and I gritted my teeth.
"Say it, Quinn. No wonder my mom what? Ran out on me and didn't even look back?"
"You said it." He shrugged, and I balled my fists on the counter.
"Boys?" Ivy entered the kitchen with a frown. "Everything okay in here?"
I pasted on a smile that was faker than a porn star's tits. "Everything's great. I was just getting to know my new stepbrother. It's been...enlightening."
"Everything's good, Mom," Quinn assured her, and she seemed to relax with us both pretending we hadn't been on the verge of trading punches.
"Good. I was worried when you didn't come back." She stepped into the kitchen. "Becca and George are coming over this evening. I thought it would be nice to introduce them to Arsen."
"Tonight?" Quinn said in a strained voice.