"Fucking good," I growled back. I wasn't even sure I was lying anymore.
I could almost feel the anger emitting from Kellan as it heated my back. He hated me. Good. The feeling was entirely mutual.
Why was it so hot?I groaned as I cracked open my eyelids and glanced to my left, and froze. I was on my back, and the pillow I'd stuffed between us was missing. And to make matters worse, Arsen was less than a foot away with one of his heavy legs resting between mine. He appeared to be sleeping soundly, giving me the chance to take in the long eyelashes dusting over his tanned skin and those full lips. He looked so peaceful it would have been easy to forget what an asshole he really was.
Realizing I'd been the one who'd made my way to his side of the bed, I channeled my inner sloth into easing my legs free. I tried my best to ignore the sensations from my skin skimming along with his, and the prickling of his leg hair as it brushed mine. Inching my way across the mattress, I did my best not to wake him. He'd never let me live it down if he was aware of what had happened. Once I reached the edge, I slid off the bed and glanced around the room, cursing softly. All of my things were in Quinn's room, and I was wearing a pair of Arsen's shorts that were easily two sizes too big. Looking around the room aimlessly, it dawned on me I'd hung my boardshorts over the shower rod. Quietly crossing the room, I padded silently into the bathroom to make a quick change before creeping out into the hall, closing Arsen's door as soundlessly as possible.
Quinn's door was still closed, so I knew that lazy bastard was still passed out. And I didn't want to witness anything I couldn't un-see just to grab a change of clothes.Again. My shorts and tank were still slightly damp and a little uncomfortable, but I made my way downstairs anyway, to the loud clatter ringing in the kitchen.
"Morning." Shawn grinned from where he sat at the table, sipping on a steaming cup of coffee in a red mug. "Good night?" His brown eyes twinkled, and I narrowed mine.
"Slept like a baby." Which was surprisingly true, considering I'd slept next to Satan. I reached for a plate of fluffy biscuits someone had made and placed in the center of the table, snatching one from the top before I sat across from Shawn.
He hummed, not bothering to hide a knowing grin, though I wasn't sure what he thought he knew. Shawn waggled his brows. "Yeah? Arsen laid down the d—"
"Stop." The word burst from my lips, an automatic reflex. With the biscuit halfway to my mouth, I paused as a sinking sensation settled in the pit of my stomach. I didn't want Quinn, or anyone else, to find out I'd slept with Arsen, even if we hadn't done anything except argue. I was still pissed at my best friend for leaving me high and dry with nowhere to sleep last night. I cleared my throat, acting as if I had no idea what Shawn had been about to say, and to a point, I actually didn't. "What about Arsen?"
Shawn snickered as he swiped dark strands away from his forehead. "Sophie and I are next door. You know… She gets these cravings, so I had to do my duty and find her some fucking apple juice and pickles." He grimaced. "So, I open the door and guess what I saw?".
I wasn't dense and immediately figured out what he thought he'd seen. "It wasn't like that. Quinn was with some girl, so I had nowhere else to go. My clothes were wet and I couldn't get to my bag," I explained. It was true, but I could have left, and probably should have, considering I'd woken up tangled with Arsen. My body was not in tune with my brain. That was becoming an inconvenient truth. "Arsen made it his business. That's all."
He nodded, a smile playing on his lips as if he was holding back a laugh. "Yeah, I saw the whole caveman thing. But you didn't seem like you were in any real danger." He paused. "You twoarguereally loud, you know that, right?"
I closed my eyes and inhaled slowly through my nose. If he'd overheard everything…
"Calm your tits." Shawn laughed as I peeked at him through one eye. He took a sip of his coffee before shrugging. "I'm not going to run my mouth off to Quinn. I know they don't get along, and I know you'd rather he not find out. But if you two want to be discreet about the whole thing, you may want to lower your voices. Most of the time, I couldn't figure out whether y'all were fighting or fucking. Maybe both at the same time."
That was a pretty accurate description of how the first night I'd met Arsen had gone down, but I wasn't going to confirm or deny the comment. "Whatever."
"Weak," Shawn coughed, calling me out, which I didn't appreciate. I scowled, causing him to break into a fit of laughter that seemed to gather the attention of people around us. I could practically feel their curious gazes, and the last thing I needed was to give anyone else a reason to question my whereabouts last night.
"Shut up, dick." I bit off a chunk of the flaky, buttery biscuit that practically melted on my tongue. "So, apple juice and pickles? Seriously?"
"Not even close to the weirdest shit Sophie's asked for." His lips tipped in disgust that I matched. "But she made those." He angled his head toward the pile of doughy goodness. "Her grandma's recipe. If she keeps feeding me shit like that, I don't care what the woman wants to eat. I'll buy a damn cow if she starts craving some straight-from-the source calcium. I'd even—"
"Shawn," I stopped him. "I get it. The biscuits are good."
A heavy thud landed in the chair next to me, and Quinn groaned as he propped his elbows on the tabletop and rubbed his temples. His skin was more pale than usual, and he appeared on the verge of falling off the barstool. "My fucking head feels like it's about to explode."
Was I supposed to feel bad for him after he'd left me stranded? I shook my head. "I need a new room."
Quinn's head swung around, and he winced as he attempted to focus bloodshot eyes on me. "What, why? I thought you were staying with me."
I just looked at him. "So did I, but you were sort of busy when I walked into your room."
Quinn frowned as if he was trying to recall the memory of what he'd done exactly. His frown vanished as realization seemed to dawn, and he scrubbed a hand over his face. "Aw, fuck. Dude, I messed up. She must have left before I woke up, and I thought you had bolted early again. I don't even remember most of it." A long breath rushed from his lung as he cast me an apologetic grimace. "Where did you stay?"
"Well, I tried to crash in the hall." I paused.
"What the fuck? The hall?" Quinn cursed as he whipped his hands up, fingers weaving through his chestnut curls, cradling his head that must have pounded at the outburst. "I'm so sorry, K. I drank way too much."
I waved him off, not that I thought leaving me without access to my stuff in his room or a place to crash was okay. Still, I changed my mind and was petty enough to say, "I said Itriedto sleep in the hall. Arsen decided to go all caveman and dragged me into his lair."
Quinn's head snapped up, and his forehead wrinkled, the headache suddenly forgotten. "You two shared a room?"