Page 31 of Sweetest Hate

It was quickly becoming clear many people had trouble reading me. Kellan did not. When he took another step back, smile in place again, my nostrils flared. I probably should have waited or toned down the implied threat. I was willing to bet it would have saved some money. He walked around the store, back and forth up the aisles, bringing more and more random shit to the register. After Kellan came back with the third armload full of absolute crap, I snagged his arm, tearing a box of tampons from his hand. "Kellan," I hissed in warning, but he didn't seem to care.

"Shark week," he explained to Henry, and I covered a groan when I saw a hundred questions pass through Henry's eyes. I was officially going to kill him and enjoy doing it.

"Okay, that's everything. Can you please check us out before he cleans out the whole store?" I forced humor I didn't feel into the question.

Henry chuckled nervously as he rang up everything Kellan had loaded on the counter. "Right. Well, I hope you two have a good week." He frowned as we gathered the cases and loads of bags before heading for the door.

"You really are so good to me," Kellan crooned as soon as it swung closed behind us with a thud.

"Shut up and get in the car." I stormed around the back, placing the boxes and bags in the trunk, and instructed Kellan to do the same.

Once I was behind the wheel and Kellan beside me, I glared at him. "Fucking shark week?"

"Fiancé?" he snapped back. "Couldn't you just tell the guy you weren't interested?"

I shook my head, deciding it wasn't worth the fight. "You are never going anywhere with me ever again."

Kellan snorted. "Am I supposed to care?"

"You get on my nerves." I put the key in the ignition.

"And you irritate the shit out of me," Kellan gritted out through clenched teeth.

"And you are a shit-stirring problem," I countered.

"Oh,I'ma problem?" Kellan scoffed. "You're the moody bastard that's hung up on my dick, so much that you pretend-shackled my ass to you."

My nostrils flared as I leaned over the console crowding his space. "You like to bring that up a lot. Are you having a hard timenotthinking about it?It'll never happen againbecomingmore of a struggle than you thought?"

Kellan leaned forward, almost meeting me nose to nose. "You cocky son of a bitch—"

That did it. I closed the inches that separated us, grabbed his unshaven face, and kissed him.

I didn't know why the fuck I did it or why he immediately opened without hesitation, a moan slipping from his lips as our mouths collided. But it didn't matter when his taste burst on my tongue in an explosion of mint and Kellan. When they weren't saying shit that pissed me off, his lips were so fucking perfect. The way he kissed was all aggression I met with my own clash of tongue, lips, and teeth.

He wove his fingers through my hair, tugging hard on the strands, and I groaned into his mouth. I was seconds away from dragging him over the console when someone honked their horn. The jarring sound grounded me again, returning some of my common sense, and I jerked away. Breathing hard, I whispered, "You keep lying to yourself. Because I don't believe a word out of your mouth. You want it, and you hate that you crave another taste."

Kellan opened his mouth, then snapped it shut again. The honk sounded again, and I checked my rear-view mirror, spotting an old truck with an even older man inside staring at us with annoyance.

After giving him a wave of apology, I pulled back onto the road.

So much for clearing my head. My thoughts were cloudier than ever—except for one. I wanted Kellan again, and he wanted me too. He wasn't ready to admit it, but even when he refused to say it aloud, his body spoke volumes with how it reacted to mine and told me everything I needed to know.



Arsen had kissed me.Worse than that, I'd stupidly kissed him back. What the hell was wrong with me? Alone as I treaded water, I questioned myself, watching as the sun began its descent over the horizon, leaving a shadowy golden hue on the lake.

Even though I'd successfully avoided him for the rest of the day, I couldn't stop thinking about his mouth on mine. The taste of Arsen on my tongue. If sin had a taste, Arsen owned it, and it made me want to give in to more. I wanted him and couldn't allow myself to cave. Would it be the worst thing in the world? Maybe. Arsen was a box of dynamite waiting to absolutely demolish anyone and anything that got too close.

On shore, the fire had been stoked, and people were beginning to gather around the pit. I wasn't ready to leave the water, so I swam close to the sodden bank, turned, and sat waist-deep in the gently rolling waves, digging my toes into the mud.

Even with the crowd's noise at my back, I found peace looking out onto the watery landscape. I wished I could spend the rest of my life with a view like this. Planned to someday, one way or another.

Whisper-shouting came from the dock several feet away, and I squinted into the rapidly growing darkness. I recognized Arsen immediately. Standing with his arms folded over his chest, he stood quietly while Piper yelled at him in a hushed tone with her back toward to the lake. Curious, I listened intently. The wind had picked up a bit, carrying the sounds of their argument to my ears.

"You like him. I know you do, so why don't you just tell him?" Piper didn't sound mad exactly, maybe more like exasperated, which I could totally relate to when it came to Arsen.