Kellan snatched the bill from his hand. "You fucking owe me."
Quinn appeared a little suspicious as he glanced at each of us, likely wondering what the big deal was when I was fully aware Kellan flat-out didn't want to go with me. The feeling was mutual, so I wasn't sure why I didn't refuse. I'd rather grab everything myself.
"You're not getting in my car like that." My gaze flicked down at the water rolling down his legs. "So, if you're coming, you need to hurry."
"Looking forward to this already," Kellan mumbled as he spun on his heels and stomped up the stairs.
"Is something going on between you two?" Quinn asked. "Arsen, I swear if have done anything…"
My jaw hardened. "And if I have?"
He stiffened. "Then I'll tell him exactly what you said you'd do just to piss me off."
His threat fell on deaf ears. "That so? Would that be before or after you tell him you want to fuck him?"
"Fuck you, Arsen," Quinn gritted out between his teeth. "You better not lay a finger—"
Instead of giving the conversation any more of my attention, I gave him my back as I walked away, calling over my shoulder, "He has ten minutes, or I'm leaving without him."
I should have just gotten the fucking beer and whatever else they needed and saved myself the inevitable headache of spending more time with Kellan or dealing with Quinn. Sure, he had a right to be suspicious because I had fucked around with Kellan. But when I'd dropped to my knees for him, it had nothing to do with Quinn or anything that had happened over Christmas break. The fact that my stepbrother didn't have the balls to come clean to his best friend about being into him wasn't my problem.
The reason I'd volunteered to make the short trip in the first place was to get away, so how had I ended up agreeing to spend more time with Kellan.
"You're a dick," my stepbrother yelled out as I strode out of the cabin.
As I waited in my baby, a Royal Blue 1969 Mustang Mach 1 I had lovingly restored, I cranked the AC on high, scrolled through my music playlist, and settled on a steady stream of rock music. Not my usual, but I figured Kellan would like it, based on the t-shirts with rock band logos on the front he regularly wore. I immediately scowled at my phone and quickly changed the queue. Kellan's comfort and what he enjoyed were not on my list of shit I cared about.
Just as the first sounds of heavy bass filtered through the speakers, the passenger door popped open, and Kellan slid into the seat. He'd changed into dry clothes, but he still smelled like the lake. "Did you not take a shower?"
He shook his head. "Is there ever a time you're not bitching about something? One, you didn't give me time to even rinse off. And two, why would I clean up anyway when I plan on getting right back in as soon as the nightmare of a beer run is over?"
Gritting my teeth, I shifted into reverse and eased my car between the vehicles crowding the grounds. "This should be fun."
Kellan snorted and reached for the radio. "Sweet ride you have here. Can't we at least listen to something decent, so I don't have to listen to you?"
"This is decent, and if you'd stop talking to me, you'd stop getting answered, genius."
He slumped in his seat, and I was tempted to flip the playlist back to the rock station. I resisted the urge because Kellan was acting like a child. You didn't reward bad behavior. Unless it was in bed, which seemed to be the only place we got along. And even that was touch and go. The rest of the drive to the nearby small town was spent in blissful silence, if you didn't count the repeated finger tapping on the console, which I was certain he was doing just to piss me off. In fact, I was almost positive he got off on irritating the shit out of me.
When we pulled into the gravel lot filled with potholes the size of Texas and parked at a gas pump that appeared to be on its last legs, I got out, striding straight for the familiar store's door. I was ready to get this over with and go back to keeping my distance from Kellan. He followed me into the old building that was made of white painted cinderblocks, long past due for a cleaning, and filthy windows. The door chimed as we entered, and I scanned the place. We were alone except for the tall guy with frizzy brown curls working behind the register. He must have been fairly new since I didn't recognize him. The only store around, I'd been there more times than I could count. I gave the guy a chin nod before muttering to Kellan, "Get what you need so we can get back."
Kellan scoffed as we wove through the aisles toward the coolers. "What do you think I planned on doing? Setting up a picnic in the parking lot?"
"Always with the smart-ass comments," I mumbled as I opened the refrigerator door and pulled out two large cases of beer.
"Always with the dick comments," he mimicked and reached for his own.
I stopped and stared at him. "You do realize if you'd stop being a jerk, I'd stop being a dick, right?"
Kellan gave me a look that said I was crazy. "As I recall, you informed me you were a heartless prick before you sucked my dick."
Because it was true, I thought, not caring if the guy at the register overheard. The way Kellan saw me caused a niggling annoyance that bugged me, but I refused to acknowledge that, so I shrugged and smirked. "As I recall, you didn't give a fuck."
"Because I wanted to come, asshole," he snapped. "Now, can we leave? Or are you determined to argue with me right here and now?" He shifted the beer in his arms.
"I'd have to care to fight with you about it."
"Aw," Kellan cooed. "I knew you cared."