Page 22 of Sweetest Hate

I shook my head and bit my lip to keep from asking what he was pissed about then. Arsen was low on the shit I felt like dealing with today, but being stranded on a boat in the middle of a large lake was pretty damn high on things I wanted to avoid. If Arsen knew what he was doing, let the jackass be useful for once. I kept the thought to myself.

Speak of the devil, Arsen glanced up and gave a single nod before turning back away. I guessed that was our signal to get moving. "Let's go."

Quinn huffed but followed me as I led the way down the creaking dock. The pontoon boat swayed slightly in the water, and my legs immediately felt unstable as I climbed on board. "Fuck."

Instead of being met with my best friend's voice, one much deeper answered, "Don't tell me you're one of those people with a weak stomach on a boat. I don't want to be cleaning up your puke."

My stomach felt fine, so I glared. "I lost my balance for a second. I don't need you doing anything for me."

"There you are." A feminine voice interrupted and surprisingly grabbed my hand as if she'd been waiting for me. Piper. "Come here."

Tearing my glare away from Arsen, who had cast a questioning glance at Piper, I let her drag me to the front of the boat to where a massive leather couch was situated.

"You know," she started as we crossed the pristine beige flooring, "Arsen's not a bad guy. He's had a hard go of things with his family. It's not my place to share, so I won't spill details, but for some reason, he seems to be worse with you."

A surprised laugh tore up my throat. "If that's your sales pitch for how great he is, it's a terrible one."

She beamed, and I found myself instantly warming up to her infectious smile. "Good thing I have no interest in sales, yeah?"

I shook my head as she led us to a light-brown-colored couch and took a seat, patting the leather next to her. "I worded that all wrong."

I shouldn't want to know more about Arsen. Still, with information on how the evil lord had come to be, my curiosity made me accept the invitation, and I sank down next to her. "Want to try again?"

She chuckled, green eyes twinkling. "Please."

"Can I ask you a question first?" I hedged.

"Of course." She turned in the seat, facing me with one leg bent and the other dangling off the side. "Shoot."

Pulling off my sunglasses, I hooked them on top of my hat. "Why do you care what I think about Arsen?"

Piper nibbled at her lower lip. "Arsen and I have been best friends almost our whole lives. Our parents are best friends—similar to you and Quinn, I imagine. I know him, and the way he's acting…" She shrugged. "He doesn't normally get his feathers ruffled. I mean, he's always kind of a dick."

"Again, with the sales pitch." She really was terrible at this if she wanted me to change my opinion of Arsen, which, if not impossible, was still a tall order.

She tossed her head back, red curls wild in the breeze, as she laughed. "Oh my God, I'm so fucking this up." She cleared her throat, snuffing out the laughter, but mirth still danced in her eyes. "So before I totally ruin everything, here's the deal. Arsen—"

"Piper," a stern voice interrupted.

She swung her head up, giving Arsen an innocent smile. "Yes, dear?"

"I need you to come help me."

She shook her head. "No, you don't. You just want me to shut up."

It was clear Piper had zero problems dealing with Arsen's attitude and calling him out.

"Well, do that then." Arsen didn't bother denying her accusation.

Piper burst out laughing. "Fine." She turned to me and mock-whispered, "To be continued."

"No, it won't." He glanced at me as if to drive the point home. Nail in the coffin. Door closed. There would be no talk. But somehow, I knew that, even though Piper got the message loud and clear too, she just didn't care and had every intention of swinging that door right back open.

She rose and tugged her frayed shorts back into place, tossed me a conspiratorial wink, and followed the brute behind the wheel. They appeared to argue in hushed tones by the refrigerator, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious about what else she might have shared if we hadn't been interrupted. Bill, Arsen's dad, seemed nice, so what had she been about to reveal that Arsen was against? Under Arsen's watchful eye, I wouldn't be finding out any time soon, so I went in search of Quinn. I wasn't surprised at all to find him kicked back under the awning on a leather captain chair at the back of the boat with the same brunette he'd left with the night before, perched on his lap, toying with her long ponytail.

Taking a seat across from him in the sun, I ignored the buzz of conversation around me. I tipped my head back to catch the early morning rays of sun on my face and the slight breeze that coasted over my skin, soaking in the calming sensation. The purr of a motor grew louder, and the rocking of the boat increased. Glancing over, I found Arsen behind the wheel as he floated us away from the dock. He was glancing back already, and I realized he always seemed to be watching me. The sudden awareness of how his eyes seemed to follow me sent an uncertain chill up my spine, making the hairs on my arms stand on end. It wasn't because it scared me. Far from it. It was like I'd somehow known it wouldn't be the first time his gaze caught mine. Intense, unnerving, and it still fucked with my head because when he looked away, it left an empty void in its absence.

I forced myself to look out onto the vast lake and steadied my breathing. I needed to stay away from Arsen. His attention was rapidly becoming a fucked-up addiction with only one possible outcome. Arsen's name was fitting because he set a fire in me, and if I let it, it would burn me to ash.