Page 11 of Sweetest Hate

Arsen glared at Quinn, who I'd completely forgotten was even standing next to me while his stepbrother had stared me down.

Folding his arms over his chest, making the black t-shirt he wore pull tight over his defined chest and toned arms, Arsen gritted through his teeth, "I repeat, what the fuck is going on, Quinn?"

My best friend stumbled a step forward. "Why are you here?"

Arsen's nostrils flared. "Why amIhere?" He chuckled, but there was no humor behind the sound. "Why the hell are you here? Why are all of these people here?"

Quinn stilled, and I frowned. My best friend said, "Uh, the trip was canceled, but your dad said we could still come down."

Arsen cursed, and the slightly deranged laugh that slipped from his lips shot a shiver straight down my spine. "Of course he did."

Without another word, he strode away toward the cabin, bypassing the people he'd showed up with, leaving them glancing around and as confused as we were.

"What is happening right now?" I asked.

Shaking his head, Quinn huffed. "No idea. I'm calling my mom."

He reached for his pocket, and I snatched his phone just as he pulled it free. "Don't. You're hammered. At least wait until you're sober."

"This is bullshit," Quinn snapped. "He needs to leave."

"You think he will?" I wasn't sure I wanted him to bounce so soon. Not when I was fairly certain there had been at least a hint of interest on his part. I was a shit friend who made even worse judgment calls.

Quinn scoffed. "It's Arsen. There's no telling what that psycho asshole will do."



With my phonepressed to my ear, I climbed the stairs toward my room. Or at least the room I stayed in every summer, until a few years ago before I'd completely started to avoid my dad. I'd made an exception for Christmas, thinking it was very unlikely but that maybe he'd changed in some way.

Surprisingly, he hadn't been the reason I'd escaped their house that night, so when he'd pleaded with me to make an appearance this summer, with a trip to the cabin and then even spending a few weeks at the Holloway home before I left for North Carolina for good, I'd stupidly been swayed into agreeing. I cursed as I turned down the hall.

Always equipped with empty promises, he'd of course cancelled the trip. Business first. Family never.

As far as I was concerned, it had been a make-or-break situation—the last chance I'd give him to be a father. Now, it was safe to say that ship had sailed. I should have known he'd pull some shit like this. The two weeks I'd planned to spend at their house afterward weren't going to happen either.

My dad wasn't aware of what had happened between me and Quinn in their kitchen, but a heads-up still would have been appreciated. I'd thought that cancelling the trip meant I'd have the place to myself. So did Quinn apparently.

I let the phone ring until I was sure my dad wouldn't answer, which wouldn't surprise me at all. Just as I was about to hang up, the familiar deep voice of my father came through the line. "Arsen…just a minute." He spoke to someone in the background. "Did you make it to the cabin?"

"Sure did. But funny story, Quinn informed me he was given the okay to bring half of the town with him up here, and I walked into a party." The hall was already a littered mess of bags and clothes. I swore if someone had fucked with my room, I was going to lose my shit.

"I told Quinn he could still make the trip if he wanted to and take some friends." My dad sighed, sounding exhausted. "I have so much on my plate. I just forgot to mention it to either of you when you said you were still going to head up there."

"Why am I not surprised?" Anger burned in the pit of my stomach even though being the last thing on my father's mind was something I was used to. Ever since my mother had taken off in the middle of the night when I was seven years old without so much as a goodbye or farewell letter, he had checked out when it came to me. Now, the woman who gave birth to me, was married to some arrogant news reporter, and they had twin boys, so she must have liked kids. I wondered if her husband ever thought about doing a piece on lousy mothers who ditch their children without giving a damn.

My dad groaned. "Arsen, I apologize. I know I haven't been the father you deserved. I want to be and this week was supposed to…" He cursed quietly. "I've had a lot on my plate with the move to Holloway, and business dealings lately have been difficult. I promise I will make it up to you. For now you could spend some time with Quinn. You two haven't been able to spend time together. This could be good for you both."

"Sure thing, pops." A humorless laugh rumbled through my lips as I shoved my bedroom door open and scanned the room. Clean and neat, as if it hadn't been touched. At least they hadn't infiltrated my space. Without bothering to turn on the light, I slammed the door closed, crossed the room, and collapsed in the recliner in the corner of the darkened room. "Except we both brought people, and there seems to be a lack of room."

My dad blew out a frustrated breath. "Listen, we need to board our flight. If you are set against staying, you can go to the house in Holloway."

What did he not understand about I hadn't come alone? It wasn't as simple as hopping in my car and hightailing it the fuck away from this shitty situation. And after the long ride to our summer vacation home from the house I'd been renting close to campus in Pennsylvania, the idea of making an additional trip made my legs ache with phantom cramps just thinking about being trapped behind the wheel. Still, a backup plan wouldn't hurt.

"I don't have a key to your new place." A lump on the floor by the window caught my eye, so I nudged it with the toe of my shoe. Someone's duffle. Next to it was some sort of large canvas bag. My jaw clenched because someonehadbeen in my room. Fucking Quinn and his little drunk friends. I wouldn't bother finding out who it belonged to. I'd toss that shit in the hall and lock my bedroom door on my way out. Just because I kept few personal things at the cabin didn't make the room any less mine.

My dad's voice grabbed my attention again. "The neighbor, her name is Rebecca. She has an emergency copy of the key. Do what you feel comfortable with." Muffled words came from the phone before my dad said, "I have to go. I'll call you when we land."