However, her life, in general, was at stake, and Steve had not requested that she accompany him to Baltimore. His intentions initially seemed different, as if he wanted more from her, but it became evident that all he desired was a fleeting encounter.
Kate informed her they had already arranged a plane to take them home when he was discharged from the hospital later today. However, Daisy Mae hadn’t been invited to join the trip. Then again, why would she be? She wasn’t part of the group.
She jolted out of her thoughts when Steve groaned, “Merde.”
She stood up from her seat, at a loss for words. “I go get da nurse. dey wanted to know when ya woke,” she said as she rushed out of the room. She couldn’t help but wonder why she was feeling so timid.
As she exited, she heard him say, “Daisy Mae,” but she didn’t stop to see what he said. He probably had the same regrets as she did. Their affair had been a dream since they were younger. Now, as adults, it didn’t work. They lived two separate lives in two separate parts of the country.
When she found the nurse, she went to the waiting room to update Steve’s colleagues about his awakening. Kate had been engrossed in a phone call while Devon and Rylee were huddled together, deep in conversation. Grits and Casper had taken Marie and Alice to the sheriff’s department and were tying up loose ends elsewhere.
The three of them immediately stopped what they were doing and eagerly rose to see Steve. Sensing their eagerness, she quickly intervened, reminding them that the nurse and doctor should first see Steve.
“They’ll keep him overnight for observation,” Devon said in general conversation. “Assuming the sheriff clears him to leave, I’ve rescheduled us for wheels up at 1600 hours tomorrow.”
Knowing it still didn’t include her, Daisy Mae sat and ignored the timeline with Steve as best she could. She realized the sheriff hadn’t made it there yet. She expected him to ask questions even if she couldn’t answer them.
She must’ve looked worried because Kate said, “Don’t worry. Grits and Casper are keeping him away until after Romeo awoke.”
Daisy Mae felt a sharp pang whenever she heard Steve called “Romeo.” It was different when the men called him that—it felt casual, almost harmless. But when the women used it, there was something intimate, nearly piercing, about the way it sounded, cutting through her defenses and leaving her feeling exposed. She knew it was ridiculous but couldn’t help how she felt about it.
“And,” Rylee said, “here they are.”
Upon glancing toward the door, Daisy Mae’s eyes fell upon Grits and Casper as they entered the waiting room, with the sheriff close behind. Their faces were lit up with childlike glee as they stepped inside. What followed next took her entirely by surprise. Each of them took a seat, flanking her on either side,effectively cocooning her between them like a pair of devoted guardians.
“Now boys,” Sheriff Boudreaux said, “ya know I needs to chat with dis here young lady.”
Grits shrugged. “Go ahead.”
After a moment, the sheriff sighed and pulled over a chair before her. “Chère, how you be?”
She felt nothing but numbness. Her friends, who she trusted completely, had betrayed her. The love of her life, the one person she thought would always be there, was about to leave her. She tried to speak, opening her mouth as if to utter a word, but no sound emerged. What could she possibly say in such a moment of profound hurt?
At that moment, a whirlwind named Shelley breezed into the waiting room.
“Daisy Mae,” she said as she hurried forward.
Daisy Mae shot out of her chair like a burst of energy, her feet barely touching the ground as she sped around Sheriff Boudreaux. In an instant, she was enveloped in Shelley’s warm embrace, her heart pounding wildly, and only then did the tears stream down her face.
“Chère. It’s gonna be okay,” her friend said softly.
When would it be okay? The pang of regret echoed in her heart as she replayed the time Steve had been home in her mind. She finally had her chance with him, the one she’d dreamt about for so long, and somehow, she’d blown it. The weight of missed opportunities settled on her as she realized he was leaving tomorrow, leaving her behind with a tapestry of what-ifs.
“Now, Shelley—” Sheriff Boudreaux said before Kate cut him off.
“When Romeo wakes, Devon will accompany you back.”
Daisy Mae ignored the sheriff’s and Kate’s heated argument, focusing instead on Shelley’s strong embrace and the warmthand comfort absentmindedly provided. Her friend was an unyielding anchor, holding her together amidst the chaos. When her torrent of tears eventually subsided, she reluctantly stepped back. “I needs to get outta here,” she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.
“We can handle that,” Casper said from behind her, his sudden voice causing her to jump. At an unknown moment, he had moved closer, enveloping her in his protective presence again. He shielded her from the intimidating sheriff and all potential threats, except the aching void left by Steve’s lost love.
With a final glance at the hospital, she nodded and stepped out into the cool evening. The sheriff’s stern expression and Rylee’s concerned eyes faded into the background. With every step away from the building, the weight of unfamiliar faces and sterile corridors grew lighter. She had no place here among Steve’s professional world and supportive friends. Her heart ached, but the freedom of the water called her forward.
When Casper folded himself into the backseat of Shelley’s car, his movements were hesitant but purposeful. She felt a lump in her throat, unsure how to break the thickening silence around them. It was a heavy moment, a decisive step towards breaking free from Steve’s suffocating world, far away from the ever-watchful eyes of his colleagues.
“Ash. Casper, I mean, I need to be alone now,” she stammered, her voice trembling with a mixture of resolve and apprehension.
“That’s fine,” came his calm reply, yet he made no move to leave the vehicle.