Page 41 of Bayou Sunset

Again, he made sense when he spoke. Someone to watch over them when they slept would be nice, but would Daisy Mae feel comfortable sleeping with him while someone watched over them? Hell, Daisy Mae wouldn’t want someone else watching over her period.

Romeo sipped his beer and watched Daisy Mae over the mug’s rim. After he set the glass down, he sighed in resignation. His teammates were right. “She won’t go for it.”

“Well, buddy,” Grits said, “it’s your job to convince her. Until we get someone in place, Casper will be your backup. I can handle the questioning alone.”

So, they’d already had a plan whether he agreed or not.Merde.When had he lost control of things? This was his op if they wanted to call it that. Romeo stared at Casper. “How ghostly can ya be?”

“She won’t even notice I’m around,” his teammate confidently said.

Romeo looked at his half-empty mug and wiped at the watersliding down the side. Maybe he could avoid telling her, and things could continue normally. What the hell was typical? She’d been in trouble since he’d been home. He shuddered at the thought of it all. His gut twisted thinking about the bullets flying at her and then the explosion. What was next?

He nodded. “Mais oui. Call in da boys. Only what ya need, and be discreet.” He turned from Grits to Casper. “Ya had best be as transparent as a ghost. If she sees ya, she might just shoot ya.”

Casper chuckled. The asshole chuckled. He didn’t realize Romeo was serious. Daisy Mae would not tolerate her space being invaded any more than it had already been. Hell, would she allow him back into that space after he’d gone and stuck his large ass foot in his mouth?

“Who ya want to call in?” Romeo asked Grits, ignoring Casper altogether.

“I’m thinking Kate and Rylee. You could use women here for Daisy Mae.”

If Rylee came, Devon would come, meaning the Hamilton brothers might expect to get paid for their work. He couldn’t blame them but didn’t relish wiping out his savings. If it made Daisy Mae comfortable and safe, he’d do whatever it took. It was a good thing Jesse was on a mission, or he’d show, and Romeo wouldn’t know how he’d manage to regain control.

“Ya know dat means Devon, right? Which means da big boss might have something to say about how we be using our time off.”

“Let me worry about the big boss,” Grits said. “You worry about returning to Daisy Mae’s good graces and prep her for the whirlwind that is Rylee.”

That was all he needed—two head-strong, gun-toting, take-no-prisoners women. His head hurt already.

Chapter Twenty-Four

DAISY MAE WAS furious as Sheriff’s Deputy Alice Fournier refused to assist her in bringing Mario Xenos to justice, citing “legal search,” “probable cause,” and “warrant” as reasons. Daisy Mae didn’t care about those things.

Single-minded in her determination, Daisy Mae understood the urgency of the situation. They had to act quickly to search Mario’s boat and home. If they didn’t, they risked losing vital evidence needed to prove that he was responsible for planting the bomb that destroyed her boat.

“What be the matter?” Steve asked her from the driver’s side of her truck. She couldn’t fathom why she had agreed to let him drive her home. She was resolute that he wouldn’t be staying. He would simply have to journey back to where he belonged on foot.

She crossed her arms like a sullen child and looked out the side window. “Not a thing.”

“Come on, Rocket. Ya be pouting worse than when ya could no stay the night at my house when ya be six.”

Great. She found herself revisiting a profoundly embarrassing moment from her past. Perplexed by her parents’ refusal to let her spend the night at her friend’s house, she reflected on how, at that time, she lacked an understanding of the distinctions between boys and girls despite having two older brothers. All she knew was that she was determined to marry Steve and yearned to be by his side constantly.

“Alice. She be refusing to search Mario’sbateaufor evidence.” There, she’d said it.

Steve turned into her tiny home’s driveway. “She be right. Besides, you not know if it be him or someone else.”

Grabbing the door handle, she turned to him. “I know it be him. Now, go home.”

Steve chuckled. “When ya gonna get it, Rocket? Where yago, I go.”

“Ya, no, stay here, Steve.” He had to throw a wrench into her plans, but what a good night they could have if she wanted him to stay. She did not, though.Merde.How could she possibly sneak out and search Mario’s boat if he stayed? This dilemma plagued her, the excitement of an undercover search conflicting with her desire for him to spend the night between the sheets with her.

Ignoring her, he exited the truck and stepped toward her home, not the road back to town.Mais, he could stay the night. She’d have to find a way to search anyway. Just because he stayed the night didn’t mean she couldn’t sneak out. But how with his super-agent-hearing?

She stood there as she slammed her truck door, watching him turn and push the lock button on the key fob. After the reassuring beep, she stepped toward him and her welcoming home. After the break-in, she hurriedly straightened up the place, but it still looked unsuitable for visitors. Given the chance, she would have liked to clean the place thoroughly.

Daisy Mae unlocked her front door and stepped into her home. She stopped and couldn’t believe it. It had been tossed again. What the ever-loving-hell?

Steve stepped inside, drew his weapon, and pushed her behind him.Merde. When would he learn?