Indeed, they could do it, but they required her to approach it more seriously. It appeared that someone was intent on causing her harm or preventing her from reaching the island. At least, that’s what they presumed was the motive behind the actions. It had started that fateful morning of the first treasure-hunting excursion.
Romeo nodded. “Mais oui, dey can handle it. Unlike me, their focus be on ya safety.”
Daisy Mae’s brows furrowed. “Why not yours?”
“Because,” he said, moving closer, “I can’t keep me eyes off ya.” Reaching out, he pulled her into his arms. “I want ya, Daisy Mae Robichoux.”
Wrapping her arms around his neck, she smiled coyly. “Ya do? How much do ya want me?”
“Enough that I could take ya right here in front of God and all of Duke’s.”
Daisy Mae looked around. “How about we sneak back to mebateauand have a quickie?”
His love for his woman knew no bounds. This thought reverberated through his mind with unwavering clarity. Leaning in, his warm and tender lips embraced her in a possessive kiss, a silent declaration of his ownership. His blood rushed south with lightning speed, leaving him a bit light-headed. Damn, he needed this woman in his life. He had to persuade Daisy Mae to relocate with him.
“Gross,” JP said, walking up to them.
“Get a room,” Pierre said.
Romeo reluctantly broke the kiss, his breathing heavy and labored, and he noticed the blush spreading across Daisy Mae’s cheeks before he turned his attention to the men.
“Real mature,” Romeo said with disdain as he slipped his hand down to hold Daisy Mae’s. He defiantly looked at Grits and Casper. Let them tell him that he couldn’t do the job. “What be the verdict?”
“They’ve also had threats and break-ins,” Grits said grimly.
Merde. Why would this family choose to keep these things from him? Was it possible that they believed he was just there for amusement? Of course, he hadn’t disclosed to them that his purpose for being there was to safeguard Daisy Mae so he couldsomewhat understand their actions.
“What be the plan?” Romeo asked.
Grits stretched his neck side to side. “We strongly recommend taking a day’s break from treasure-hunting and going out on the boat. We have a few crucial things to check out first. We’re worried about what will happen next—because there will be a next.”
In moments, they grasped the grim reality of what was “next.” The dock trembled violently as a colossal explosion tore through the air, engulfing the boat,Seas the Day, in a fierce inferno.
Chapter Twenty-Two
DAISY MAE STOOD frozen, her heart heavy with disbelief as she watched her boat—the lifeline of her business and the embodiment of their family legacy—vanish before her eyes in an instant. Behind her, she registered Duke's emptying of patrons.
Mario Xenos stopped beside her. “Mon Dieu!”
In a fleeting, frozen moment, she bolted down the dock, her name echoing behind her, yet its meaning eluding her grasp. The dock had to be evacuated quickly to prevent the fire from spreading further. Luckily, there were no boats near hers that the explosion should significantly impact, but they would take no chances.
Chaos and panic took over as boat captains frantically worked to launch their vessels while other residents and crew joined forces to help extinguish the raging flames. The volunteer fire department’s response time was not ideal, leaving the task of rescuing the wooden dock in their hands. If fortune favored her, she might be able to rescue a portion of her boat and personal belongings.
After enduring hours of strenuous, gritty labor, a sense of controlled chaos gradually gave way to order. Through the collective effort, they managed to preserve most of the dock—enough to allow the boats to return despite being positioned closer to each other than before. Regrettably, her boat had not been rescued. A handful of her possessions had drifted in the water before a compassionate fisherman retrieved them for her.
Daisy Mae was consumed by her overwhelming sorrow when suddenly, she was enveloped in the reassuring embrace of solid and supportive arms. His intoxicating scent and the lingering smokey aroma enveloped her senses as she embraced him, longing for the morning when she hadn’t left his side.
Now, faced with the dilemma, she pondered her options.The insurance companies in these parts had a reputation for underpaying the value of a boat, leaving her uncertain if she would receive enough to purchase a replacement. She had set aside a substantial amount of money from her savings, allowing her to make a sizable down payment. However, she was hesitant to take out a new loan. Her parents had fully paid off her boat, which had been their last gift to her.
Tears streamed down her sooty face. Things didn't get any more real than this. Although, the gunshots had been pretty real. Despite her efforts to maintain her strength and self-sufficiency, the destruction of her boat was a setback she found exceedingly challenging to bear.
“You,” Mario said beside her, anger in his voice.
Daisy Mae gently disengaged from Steve’s embrace and pivoted to face her adversary. Anticipating his potential outburst, she preempted him, saying, “Don’t start today, Mario. I no be in the mood.”
“It be ya fault we lose da dock.”
The situation had reached its breaking point. It was unquestionably not her fault. An asshole had callously destroyed her boat. Fuming with anger she hadn’t felt in ages, she let her fury loose on Mario. With a finger jabbing into his massive chest, she seethed, “I said don't start. I no blow up mebateau, ya— yacouyon. Ya be a suspect as far as I be concerned.” She turned to Steve. “Can't ya detain him or something?”