Page 13 of Bayou Sunset

“Trust me,” Pierre said, “it be dere.”

It was their dime to waste because they'd broughthimalong. Thinking of Steve, she turned to see where he stood. Daisy Mae jumped, and her heart rate leaped. Steve stood right behind her. When had he become silent?

“I have my doubts also,” Steve added.

Whoopdefuckingdo. He hadn't been here in years and surely didn't remember all the waterways and islands.

Daisy Mae tried hard to ignore Steve and turned back to her brothers. “Your crew member, he be crowding me. Have him polish something.” Sure, it was petty, but she didn't know how else to act around Steve. Where did they stand? They'd never been a couple—even though she’d tried. He had to have known she'd loved him. How couldn't he have the way she'd offeredherself up to him to be her first and only? And, he'd left, left her.

“I be right here,” Steve said. “Ya could speak to me, little rocket.”

Daisy Mae wanted to grit her teeth at the smooth voice. Since when had Steve become confident around women? He'd always been scared to speak with a woman. She reminded herself that he'd only been tongue-tied around her near the end.

“Why do dey call ya Romeo?” Daisy Mae asked, thinking of how Barbara had laughed at it with her.

“Merde.I’ll go polish something,” Steve responded.

Touchy, she decided. Well, she always had something to run him off with. She'd put that in her pocket for another time.

“You go do dat.” Daisy Mae wanted to turn around and get one more glance at Steve in that tight T-shirt that showed off the muscles he'd perfected since leaving home. Plus, she could tell he had new tattoos she craved to trace along his arms. But she wouldn't. She wouldn't get all googly-eyed over him again.

Pierre frowned at her. “What be wit ya and Steve? You liked him—beaucoup.”

“It not ya business,” she said. “Tell me about dis treasure ya be hunting.”

Excitedly, JP told her of one of Jean Lafitte's little-known treasures hidden in the islands. Her brother believed the map was proper, but she had doubts. Authentic maps were few and far between. However, this map did look ancient with its faded print and falling apart at the edges. Forgery or not, it would easily fool suspecting prey.

“So, what be me cut?” she asked to keep the conversation going. She didn't want Steve to reappear and suddenly attempt to speak with her.

JP fidgeted. “Uh.”

“Uh, what?” Daisy Mae asked. “Mais, let me guess, ya no plan ta give me a share. Don't you know da captain always gets acut of da booty?”

This conversation was moot since she didn't expect them to find a treasure, but she liked how it affected her brothers.

“Who pissed in ya cereal dis morning?” Pierre asked.

Okay, so she was acting like a bitch. That wasn't her. Daisy Mae wouldn't allow Steve's presence to turn her into one. “Mais, I be sorry,” she said to her brothers. “I be tired, is all.” She was tired. The women had stayed up late watching movies and enjoying the company. It was rare that everyone had the same time off work.

“And wit Steve?” Pierre asked.

“That be different,” Daisy Mae said. “Mais, I'll be nicer.” It'd be challenging to harden her heart against Steve if she had to be pleasant. But she was a big girl and could do anything she set her mind to doing.

“That be all we ask,” Pierre said before ushering JP away. Through her peripheral, she saw them join Steve aft of the boat. The twins opened a cooler near the benches lining the ship's rear. Sure enough, they brought out beer. It wasn't even nine in the morning, and they were already drinking. Figures.

Then, she noticed Steve grabbing water. Well, some things had changed. She wondered what had changed with Steve and couldn’t decide whether to find out.

So, she kept her gaze forward and focused on finding the non-existent island her brothers swore existed. Steve, it would be best to ignore him for now.

Unfortunately, her heart didn't want to ignore him. She'd take that as a small win if only her heart would stop fluttering at his presence.

Chapter Seven

STEVE GRINNED AT the transformation of a spitting-mad Daisy Mae to a pleasant boat captain. He liked her being nice to him, but she looked sexy when angry as she put her hands on her hips or pulled her ballcap down low and mumbled to herself.

Why had he not spoken with her about his desire when he came home from college? Maybe because he knew he wouldn't stay. Of course, he could have asked. Perhaps she'd have still cared for him.Couyon.

The breeze off the water felt unique and refreshing on his face. The old times came back to him. When he and the twins would take out a boat to fish and drink, they weren't old enough to drink and had stolen it from their parents, but hey, it'd been fun. Steve mentally shook his head. They'd never fooled their parents, especially when he or a twin would come home and throw up the evidence.