Page 53 of Midnight Escape

While Devon and crew updated his system with inside cameras, sensors on every window, glass breakage sensors, and motion sensors, Danny took Moira shopping to replace what she’d lost. It wasn’t a necessity and, according to Devon, was a risk not worth taking, but with Jane, John, and Cowboy all surrounding her and carrying concealed weapons, Danny felt they could keep her safe.

They still had no idea who destroyed her studio. It made no sense. Sure, she’d been followed, but to follow-up with destruction? It sounded like two separate incidents. It could be the same person and would be better if it was, so they didn’t have to keep an eye on more than one front, but still….

They were going to handle things as if Moira had been found. Well, except for today’s excursion. Doubt crept in. Maybe he shouldn’t have pushed for it. Was he losing his objectivity because he wanted the girl… wanted to please her? Had Boss and the brothers encountered the same issue? Granted, he wasn’t in love, but he could see himself falling in love with Moira. If only she wanted to stay in the States.

Once Justin collected the info to bring Boyle to justice, she could live freely. If she’d only stay, he’d help her get her start as an artist in any way he could. Surely Jesse and Kate had a contact that would be of use.

“Danny, can we go home now? I’d like to be there when all of these packages are delivered,” Moira said.

His heart warmed when she said “home.” It may have been a slip of the tongue, but he’d hoped the three months since she’d been here, she’d begin to consider his home hers. “Sure.” With that, the group turned and still maintained a protective circle around Danny and Moira. They were intent on their duty, and while none had liked the risk, they’d stood up to be selected for the detail. Doc had been left behind because Devon said his height would be of benefit during the install.

“Did you get everything you wanted?” he asked.

“Nay, but I have enough to get started again.”

He had no idea what she planned to do with all the paintings anyway if she was leaving, unless she planned to pack them all up and ship them. “What are you planning to paint next?”

“The streets of Dublin. More specifically one street. It holds memories I like to revisit.”

“Anything you want to share?”

He looked at her and caught a blush creeping round her cheeks. “Well, it’s silly really.”

That made him chuckle because now he wanted to know. “You can tell me.”

“Okay. Remember I said it was silly.”

He nodded and glanced at her again. God, she was beautiful. In blue jeans and a comfy looking T-shirt, her figure drew him to her, and his blood ran south. Damn, he had it bad for her.

“Well, we were at a bar and it was the first time my parents bought me a pint of Gat.”

“Okay,” he said slowly. Odd memory.

“I told you it was silly. It’s just, that was the first time they acknowledged me as an adult. So, I remember that feeling of gratification and think of them.”

That was heavier than he expected. “That is a good memory,” he said, because anything else would be wrong in some way. “I have a memory from my father.” Now he felt stupid about what he was going to say. “It was when he gave me my aviator pilot watch.” He showed her the item on his wrist. “It told me he had faith in me becoming a pilot.”

“And you did.”

A pilot who was afraid of taking flight. “Yeah, I did. But, like you, I remember that moment every time I look at my watch. So I get your need to recreate the scene so you can revisit it.”

“When I go home, I can visit it as often as I want. But, until then, the painting will do.”

They were quiet the remainder of the walk back to his home. Once there, he marveled at how much Devon, some of the Hamilton brothers and a few from Bravo team had accomplished.

“The glass has been replaced in your window, and all windows have sensors on them, so no one will sneak in that way again,” Devon said, when Danny approached him.

Devon’s voice didn’t sound it, but Danny felt like he was being chastised for not protecting his home better to begin with. “Thanks. I appreciate it.” Anything to make Moira safer.

“I’m still ready to kick your ass for taking her out today,” AJ told him.

Bristling, Danny stiffened and straightened, ready for a fight, even if only verbal. “I made sure she was safe.”

“She’d have been safer here with all of us,” Brad Hamilton said.

Of all the men to tell him about keeping his woman safe, these three took the cake.His woman? He wanted her to be, but there was still the matter of his brother. Based on her holding Danny’s hand, he didn’t think she held any regard for his brother, but he owed it to the man to speak with him first, in case his brother did hold a regard for Moira. Then, there was her wanting to return to Ireland. He guessed he could go with her, but his home was here. That realization let him feel how important it was for her to return home. Home held a special place in your heart. Maybe since she wouldn’t have any loved ones still there, she’d then consider staying.

“She’d just been freaked out and you brought men she doesn’t know here. Of course she needed to get out. Besides, I’m not certain the three of you, especially you, AJ, are the best for telling me how to protect a lone woman.”