Page 49 of Midnight Escape

She snapped it up and flew to her friend, tossing her arms around Laura’s neck. “Thank you. Thank you so much. You might’ve saved my life.”

“What?” Danny’s words came in a bark, and the two women jumped and split apart. “What happened and why didn’t you call me?”

Laura stepped up first. “Chill, GI Joe. We didn’t have any trouble.”

Not wanting a war between the two overprotective ninnies, she walked out of the room. “You coming, Danny?”

A growl emanated from one of them. She couldn’t tell which. Too many people were focused on her, and she didn’t much like it. The fact they cared warmed her heart, but this was too much.

Before she reached the front door, Jane moved in front of her.

Moira did have a problem that she wanted to discuss with Danny. The more she’d thought through the events of the night—excluding the public make-out session—this didn’t have the feel of the troubles she had from Ireland. They could be, which was why she wanted to go through it with Danny. This Underground possibility that Luke had been mentioned also bothered her. In fact, it scared her more than the Irish drug lord since she’d get a heads-up from Justin if he became a problem.

Secretly glad Danny had arrived to collect her, she’d been surprised he’d been wearing his work gear.

Able to sense Danny approaching from behind, she didn’t jump at his words. “Moira, this is Jane. She’s going outside before you, and you will stay behind her at all times.”

“Are you sure all this—”

“Yes,” he said curtly.

She shrugged. If that was best, then she’d trust him. She only hoped Jane, or anyone else, didn’t plan to watch her paint. She’d call a halt to that quickly.

They exited as he’d instructed. They acted as if bullets could fly at any moment. With it being so early in the morning, the streets were nearly empty.

He spoke in her ear. “Never let your guard down.”

She was officially freaked out, especially since she’d gone on her own from the tavern to Laura’s. Was this what the security Danny and his teammates did day-to-day?

Danny slid a hand to her lower back to guide her from following Jane. “You’re in the back with me.”

Things would feel better and make more sense when they got to Danny’s house. If she said that enough, she’d eventually believe it. Once belted into her seat, her body went rigid at the armory the agents carried. Were their weapons and carrying them even legal?

Life had been easier when she’d just been a painter in her homeland. She sighed. What was done was done. She’d been in the US long enough—three months—that she’d felt safe, until last night.

In the driver seat was someone she didn’t recognize, but he looked a lot like Jane. “Where are Cowboy and the other guy from last night?”

“Investigating.” He didn’t sound happy about it.

Thinking on that response, she pulled in her eyebrows and asked, “I thought you said the brothers—these Hamilton men—worked the investigations.”

“They do, but it’s different. If they were available, they’d help with this.”

Noticing they didn’t seem to be going directly to Danny’s, she looked at him in question.

“Since we don’t have Cowboy and Doc, we’re checking out the neighborhood before we stop.”

“Oh.” She turned to stare out the window, keeping her gaze on nothing particular. Would this become her life now? She’d been lucky in having Justin and Danny at her side, and she’d been safe.

When they pulled into a spot on the street right in front of his house, she wondered how they’d been so lucky. These spaces filled up fast and stayed that way. Then, Jane, who’d exited the SUV before they parked, tossed an orange cone in the back of the vehicle.

She spun to Danny. “I thought you couldn’t do something like that.”

With a one shoulder shrug, he grinned. “You’re right. Slide over and exit my side.”

She turned to the window, where another guy faced outward from the vehicle, but he also covered her entire door. She just shook her head. There was time to figure out all theirMission Impossiblestuff. Danny had informed her that wasn’t the type of agents they were.

While the two of them moved up the walk to the front door, Jane had already opened it. She turned and looked at them, before walking in the house with her gun like she was on some cop show.