Page 60 of Midnight Escape

Ignoring AJ, Devon took over. “Have you thought of what you would do now that you’re a helicopter pilot?”

Oh. They’re worried he’d leave. That released a pressure from his body to know they cared. Much better than firing him. “Actually, I haven’t.” Why would he when he didn’t plan on flying anytime soon?

Devon slapped his hands together. “Perfect. If you’ll agree to be our helicopter pilot while employed, we’ll reimburse you for what you spent for training.”

If he hadn’t been sitting, he’d have stumbled back at the gratitude he felt. He’d gone from worrying they’d fire him to them making him an asset to HIS all in one short conversation. AJ may have been an excellent undercover FBI operative, but his business communication skills fell a bit short compared to the other family members.

Before he could share his fear about going back up in a helicopter, AJ startled them all when he snapped his fingers and smiled. “I’ve got it!”

“Got what?” Danny hesitantly asked.

“I remember where I’ve seen Moira before and maybe others might’ve also.”

Seen her? Danny’s gut clenched and his heart seized. He didn’t want or need her public in any forum. He snapped his gaze to AJ. He could throttle the man for keeping something like that out of their pre-op briefing. Angrily, he commanded, “What do you mean you’ve seen her? Isn’t this something you should’ve shared with us?”

Ignoring Danny, AJ turned to Devon. “Go to this Irish Festival website.” He handed Devon a piece of paper Danny had seen him writing on a few moments ago during his “ah-ha” moment. After Devon put the site on his big screen, AJ directed him. “Go to the photos tab.”

“Exactly why were you on this site?” Devon asked.

“Once I told Megan someone from Ireland was here, she began researching, which meant I was stuck looking at what she found.”

The screen had all of his attention, so AJ’s words meant nothing. Nothing else mattered at the moment. He wanted to slap himself on the forehead. That was the trip he and Cowboy had pulled her from. Not soon enough, apparently.

He didn’t fight the strange feeling of protectiveness, attraction, or his flat-out need to have her in his bed. Had it been another woman, he’d have laughed at that.

AJ stopped Devon as he scrolled down the screen of photos. He pointed to a photo on the screen. “There. In the picture with her artwork in the background.”

His breath caught at the sight of her. Hell, he saw nothing but the woman whose lips he’d tasted the prior evening. The woman who felt more right in his arms than any other in his life. Just to be certain it wasn’t a doppelgänger on the screen, his eyes raced through the names beneath the picture. He didn’t need to really read the name. He couldn’t mistake her or confuse her with another woman. Damn if she didn’t look cute in that Celtic outfit. Now, he just had to keep her safe from all the threats that surrounded them.

AJ and Danny stood. Danny started the conversation, tagging Devon first. “Is it possible, or likely, that someone in Ireland would see this?”

“It’s possible,” Devon reluctantly said. “How probable, I’m not sure.”

Scrunching his brows down, Danny continued his questions, “What’d ya mean?”

“Normally, I’d say a low probability. But, since it’s mostly an Irish festival, that might intrigue Irish readers on both sides of the pond.”

Something spun hard in Danny’s gut and what felt like razor sharp prongs cut him deep. This was the second photo. He’d had thought she’d be careful. Maybe she had been. She hadn’t posed for the photo; she just happened to be standing in her booth. Still. He wanted to slap his fist on the desk.

Living in the US, she’d told him of the freedom she’d felt and how much she loved it. After nearly four months of nothing, he’d bet his last dollar she hadn’t felt threatened at all. The men the other night must’ve scared her since nothing had happened since she’d moved here.

“I can get them to take the pictures down.” Devon grinned mischievously. “One way or another.” He looked downright gleeful.

“Will you check if she pops up anywhere on the web and get it cleared out?” Danny asked.

“Already started, Ball Park.” Devon’s grin turned into laughter, and AJ joined it.

Danny’s gaze slid to Stone. He shook his head and shrugged. Damn Cowboy for starting that horrible call sign.

Chapter Twenty-Six

It’d been a long day at headquarters and a long night with Justin over for dinner. Thankfully, his brother had decided to stay elsewhere for the night, which gave Danny the perfect opportunity to further his relationship with Moira. Something that had not left his mind even during the deep conversation with HIS about her safety.

He’d returned from HQ with flowers after leaving her with Jane and Doc for the day. They would be there every day from now until Boyle was in custody. Maybe even longer since what Moira overheard was still being investigated. He’d provided the DEA that recording nearly four months ago, and they hadn’t seemed to do anything. At least not enough for Danny. The group on that tape could be a serious problem for Moira.

Then the whole helicopter thing had been dropped in his lap. He’d not given an answer because he wasn’t sure he could. They’d shown him the helicopter they’d purchased—odd since they didn’t have any pilots, unless they were counting on him and scrubbing new recruits for someone qualified to fly. It still hadn’t stopped his gut from churning. He and Wayne could’ve died if he hadn’t gotten lucky in landing. He couldn’t imagine transporting his teammates and knowing he might kill them.

What was he to say? He wanted to fly. He wanted to be like his father who’d been in the Army Reserves and flown for them. Only, Danny wasn’t joining the Army. So, what did he do with that license then? Maybe he should try. Baby steps and all. Right now, though, his focus turned to Moira who’d just returned from her shower all cute in pajamas and no makeup. Adorable. His heart beat deeply for this woman.