Page 22 of Midnight Escape

Danny took a sip of coffee and almost burned his tongue. “And how are you going to do that?”

Justin looked aggrieved. “Jane and John Doe’s from the morgue. Unfortunately, they have plenty, so if a few disappear, no alarm will sound.”

Danny inwardly cringed at the idea but knew something had to be done. “Did he really want Moira too? She’s just the sister. Is the man as bloodthirsty as that?”

After a sip, Justin set his cup down. “It’s because she overheard something she shouldn’t have. Here”—he reached in his pocket and removed his phone— “listen to this.”

As the recording played, Danny’s mind spun as to how this could be used. While it wasn’t the connection they’d been seeking, this could bury the man. Based on those Moira identified in the room, partnering with a minister would be high-profile.

After the recording ended, Danny asked, “Last night you mentioned something bigger. Was this it?”

“No. This may sound odd considering my task, but I’m beginning to wonder if Boyle is actually in charge.”

“You think someone else might be pulling the strings?”

“This”—Justin pointed to his phone— “struck me as odd. Someone had to have set that up and it wasn’t Boyle. I’d have known about it.”

“Maybe he doesn’t trust you as much as you’d like to think. Did he even ask you who Diana was seeing?”

Justin exhaled loudly. “No. That should’ve been a kicker since I was her assigned bodyguard.”

“So maybe it’s not safe for you to return. If he suspects you kept Diana’s relationship secret, he might take it out on you.”

“No. He called me to take them out. Granted, I’d already figured out there was a problem and had Diana at Declan’s and ready to go when I received the call.”

Danny took another sip of coffee contemplating. “I’ll say it again. It might be too dangerous for you to return. You can lay false trails from here for their death.”

“Yeah, but they’d never believe me if I disappear too. No, I have to chance it and return.”

Danny had a sudden sinking feeling in his gut. His brother’s life wasn’t worth getting the man responsible for their father’s death. But his brother was determined. “What can I do to help? At HIS, we’ve got a great group who can research your leads. We can also be there if you need us.” He didn’t have authorization to approve any of that, but he believed once he explained the situation to the brothers, they’d help.

Justin took a sip of coffee. “Like I said, take care of the family. Or at least Moira until Declan and Diana arrive.” He palmed his mug and stared down in the murky liquid. “I spoke with Declan this morning. Diana’s been admitted for observation.” He looked up. “She might lose the baby.”

Danny performed the sign of the cross and said a silent prayer for Diana, Declan, and the baby. He may not always make it to mass on Sundays, but he kept prayer close to his heart.

“Make sure to pray for me, not only when I go back, but for when I see Mom,” Justin said.

Danny chuckled. “Yeah, you’re going to need it when you see her. After she cries like a baby with happy tears, she’ll probably light into you.” Knowing the joy his mom would feel for seeing her other son made all the crazy plans melt away. Today would be about celebrating.

Chapter Nine

Moira’s day began with another upheaval—although quietly—as Justin left to return to Ireland. With her brother in Boston, she was left alone with someone she felt she barely knew. Sure, they’d spent time together as children and teens, but this man seemed so different from the young man she’d sworn would be hers. She’d been stupid and lovesick then, but the thought of the vow sent butterflies to her stomach. This man didn’t hold her heart, but with his looks and protectiveness, he held her interest.

“Moira,” Danny said, snapping her from her memories and daydream. Before she could respond, he continued, “I have something to show you.”

Her heartbeat ramped up at that. Curiosity drove her blood fast through her veins. She had no idea what he might show her, but she hoped she liked whatever it was.

“Are you finished with lunch?” he asked, before taking his empty plate to the kitchen sink. “I think you’ll like it. I knew it’d be perfect for your painting.”

Painting. Something for her painting. Now that really got her excited. “I’m finished.” She wasn’t, but she wanted the surprise. Later, she’d grab a snack. Following Danny’s lead, she brought her plate to the kitchen. She looked around for a bin to dump the rest of her sandwich but found none.

“Here.” Danny reached out for her plate. “It’s in the cabinet.” He pulled out a handle and a garbage can slid out and slid in with the slightest push.

“Impressive,” she told him.

“Hold that word for what I’m about to show you.”

He grabbed her hand and nearly pulled her to the stairs. A bit nervous at the enthusiasm, but curious about the surprise, she closely followed, leaving her hand in his. It wasn’t like she’d get lost in the place. Oh, it was large, but not that large.