And Cody was now her child. No matter that she didn’t give birth to him.
Following Jesse out of the room and the building to enter the back of the family’s home, her palms turned clammy and she discovered nervousness weaved its way through her. To finally see him again.
When Cody saw her, he rushed to her and they held each other so tight she didn’t understand how they took breaths. Joy and the most wonderful thing she’d ever felt rained over her. If this was what motherhood involved, she understood why delivering a bowling ball from a tiny hole made it worth it.
“Aunt Sam, am I going home with you?”
Tears misted her eyes at the hope in his voice. “What do you think about staying here with me another day or two, then you can come home with me?”
He could’ve knocked himself out with how swiftly he bobbed his head. “Yes,” he said with excitement.
“Well, okay.” She grunted hard and then laughed when Cody hugged her tightly. Tears sprung to her eyes, and she closed them quickly and planted a kiss on the top of his head. “I love you, kiddo.”
She opened her eyes and watched as he angled his head up to look at her, happiness lighting his face. “Love you, too.” He gave her one more squeeze before turning away.
She would use the time to learn all the basic parenting stuff to get her through the next week or so at least. She hoped together they’d be able to fumble their way forward. Being the cool aunt had been fun, but she knew she’d have to find equilibrium. Smiling, she thought she might keep one or two of the tricks she’d used for special occasions.
As Cody scampered off yelling to Reagan that he was staying longer, Jesse approached her. The grim look on his face had her insides churning.
“Ken,” she whispered. It’d been difficult choosing what important task to take up first when they’d arrived back in Baltimore. With the two men in her life safe, she’d chosen to go after Bev because the woman posed a threat to both of them.
Although she’d wanted to rush off to the emergency room to see Ken, Jesse had reminded her that she’d drag two agents with her. Instead, she’d decided to wait and see him when they’d finished with his treatment. That’s been a hard pill to swallow—waiting—and maybe she’d been wrong, but by morning, she’d be by his side, no matter what.
When Jesse didn’t respond, she wondered whether he’d heard her or not. The fact he seemed reluctant to tell her anything made her body twitch with worry. “What? Tell me. Is it Ken?” Her pulse raced and an invisible hand clenched her heart, waiting.
He nodded. “Yes, it’s about Ken.” He paused, and she thought she might have to wring his neck to get the words out. “They’re keeping him overnight.”
The floor fell out from under her. If she didn’t already want to kill Bev, she would now. “I need to see him,” she said in a weak voice. Screw pulling two agents to go with her. They’d understand.
“I figured you would. While I get everything ready, why don’t you take a shower? You and Kate are similar sizes although she informed me you were, uh—” He waved his hands near his chest, and even though everything around her was in turmoil, she wanted to laugh at his discomfort. Who knew big, bad Jesse—their Old Man—could blush and stumble for words?
“Anyhow,” he said, trying to salvage things, “we’ll have some of your things brought over here later.”
Eager to get to Ken but knowing she needed the shower since she still carried the stench of their jungle trek, she nodded, then followed him to a bedroom with a private bath.
As hot water sluiced down her skin, memories of their encounter in the cave brought a smile to her lips. Tingles spread over her skin, filling her core with desire and need. There would be a time soon that they could be together. She was determined to make it so. A passion-laden, languishing sigh escaped her.
After drying off, she pulled her damp hair back into a ponytail and donned the donated clothes. The pants were a size too big but came with a belt and the blouse a size too small. Worried the buttons might fly, she sought out Jesse for a T-shirt.
Wearing Jesse’s overlarge T-shirt, she set off with Franks and Stone, who’d returned from cleaning up at HQ.
As she climbed in the back of the SUV, she realized not only hadn’t she asked Jesse how severe Ken’s condition was, she hadn’t brought any identification or a phone.
The man addled her brain. With a smile, she admitted to herself that she wouldn’t change it for the world.
Ken sat up in the hospital bed wondering how he’d let the doctor convince him to stay overnight with a damn IV attached to him. Both his leg wound and burns showed small signs of infection, which didn’t surprise him with the sweat, blood, humidity, and temperatures he’d endured.
The doctor had called him “Lucky” considering his leg wound left him with minimal damage. The doctor cleaned out the wound using a big tweezer in the hole to grab fabric. It’d been torture; they had to staple the entry and exit wounds since the injury had been open for so long that sutures wouldn’t work. Thankfully, they’d made it happen with some grumbling about how he’d made their job more difficult by waiting.
Once again, he’d walk out of the hospital with a cane as the muscle damage didn’t appear to be too extensive. He’d gladly take that if it meant Cody and Sam were safe.
Besides, he had to convince Sam to marry him. If his wounds worsened, he’d have a hard time of it. With Sam came Cody. Being a father to the boy didn’t faze him. While he’d never considered a family, Cody, however, was Adam’s son. He’d respected Adam and would be honored to do right by his boy.
The question of whether Sam would allow it turned itself over in his mind. Being independent, she may want to go it alone first. He wouldn’t give up. He wouldn’t let her go a second time.
After another lousy hand of poker with Doc, he tossed down his losing hand and looked at the clock on the wall. Sam should arrive soon. Not fast enough.