“Yes. You’d have remembered our situation or your injuries at some point.”
“I don—”
Her finger slid over his lips to halt his speech. “I think you would’ve and you’d have groaned about it. And,” she pointed out, “probably left me with a fire that needed quenching.”
Relying upon the team hadn’t bothered him. The men wouldn’t enter the cave without alerting him and Sam somehow, and with enough time to take a protective stance. His body would’ve been the problem. Even his turning to the side earlier had taken something out of him. Refusing to admit that, but not wanting her to think he’d made it worse with her, he nodded. “You’re probably right.”
She narrowed her eyes, disbelief plastered across her face.
“Okay, it would’ve been tough to pull away from you, but maybe… no, probably… I think more than likely, I would have. As for leaving you burning”—he winked, finding he’d done that playful action more often than ever before—“I can take care of that right now.”
“Actually, I was thinking about taking care of you.”
The hand he’d been reaching up to touch her breast stopped, suspended in midair. Blood pumped faster to his groin, almost making him lightheaded with desire. “What’re you saying?” His heart hammered. From his experience, clarity in situations such as this was necessary.
With blue eyes that brought pleading to a whole new level, she said softly, “You’re hurt. Let me do this.”
When he didn’t speak, she went on, “Although not to diminish how you’d feel, if we have trouble, our response would be no different than if we slept.”
Still, he didn’t speak. He’d had oral before, but he and the woman participated fully. If he allowed her to give him pleasure without returning it, well, it felt selfish and a bit cheap. Granted, the thought of her mouth on him heightened his driving need for her. Could he settle for only that though? He wanted to be inside her so badly it almost made him insane.
Not waiting for a response from him, she brushed her fingertips over his naked chest, sending sparks flying to each nerve ending. When she leaned down and pressed a kiss to his neck, then asked, “Am I hurting you?”
Fire shot through him and his arousal grew harder, shutting off the blood flow to other parts of his body. Including his brain. “What?” he asked breathily as she licked and tugged on his lower earlobe.
Whispering in his ear, she repeated, “Am I hurting you?”
Before he could answer, she skimmed her hand down his torso and below the blanket to grab his throbbing cock. He had waited a long time for her and wished he could do their first time justice being inside her the entire night.
Slowly lifting her head, her breath quickened, she asked, “You have to tell me or I can’t do anything else.”
In slow-motion, his mind muddled through what she’d asked. Her lovely breasts had that little glow from the moonlight glistening off them, and the fire in her blue eyes had his heart beating fast, just for her. Reaching a hand to her cheek, he wondered how he’d finally gotten lucky enough to have her by his side.
When the lust in her eyes morphed into what he thought was concern, he remembered her question. No, she didn’t hurt him. He already hurt. “No,” he assured her.
After a quick kiss on his hand, she used butterfly kisses across the bit of his chest not wrapped or slathered with ointment and descended to his swollen dick. At his indrawn breath, he thought she laughed. The touch of her hands… her breath… her lips… her mouth allowed a raging inferno in him to run wild and unmanaged.
The wet warmth of her tongue as she licked him from base to tip, as her hand glided up and down sent an erotic shiver through his body. He dropped his head back and exhaled on a lust-filled sigh. Selfishly—like he’d worried he’d be—he craved her mouth taking him in deep. So deep.
He caught his breath when her mouth slid down, stopping at her fisted hand. Picking his head up—screw any pain from his chest—he reached down and lifted her hair to see her face and her loving him. He’d never last. He took a deep breath, fighting to keep from embarrassing himself and spilling early.
Trying to kill him, she added her tongue as she stroked up and down on him, her mouth keeping a tight hold. When she reached down and grabbed his balls, a primal groan tore from his chest as naked desire rushed through his veins.
“I’ll never forget this sight. Your head between my legs… your hair spread across my thighs… my balls nestled in your hand… my dick in your mouth.”
She mumbled something against him and the vibration while she sucked on his cock had him tossing his head back and gritting his teeth to forestall his release. At this point, and in other circumstances, he’d toss her over and pound into her wet heat without mercy.
Sucking in a few deep breaths, he leaned back to watch her love his body.
The remaining blood settled in his groin, his balls drew tight, and that tingling at the base of his spine told him he was ready to explode. He clenched his hands into the blankets and closed his eyes to control the near ecstasy riding his body. He wanted it all. “Sam, my angel.” He waited until she peeked up at him. “I’m gonna come real soon.”
With an impish grin, she leaned back down. “Good.”
They were going to enjoy their years together.
Ah, hell.She did some swirly thing with her tongue, and, with a guttural groan, that ecstasy he’d searched for but hadn’t reached grabbed hold of him and tossed his senses into a round of weightlessness as his orgasm ripped from him. It shook him to the core. A depth he’d never achieved with anyone else but expected with her.
Sam stayed with him and didn’t move until he couldn’t take it anymore. Smiling with a sly satisfaction he wanted to kiss off her face, she kissed his neck, then snuggled beside him, appearing as sated as his body.