“I’ve been investigating. Actually, having someone inside do the investigating into what I can’t get my hands on as a civilian.”
Confused, she asked, “What are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about what really happened the day our husbands died.”
Frustrated, Sam silently counted to ten before she responded. “We know what happened. You have to let it go, Bev.”
“No, Sam. We know what they wanted us to believe, but there’s more to it, and I have proof that’ll make you rethink who you work for.”
Finally cane-free, but still limping, Ken once again was about to approach Jesse with the same request. He had to think of something that would sway his boss’s mind about letting Sam go. Although he’d been shut down on his first request, he wouldn’t give up. It would be best for her as they took on more dangerous ops each day.
He didn’t know why he’d thought she’d be safer with HIS than SWAT. The thought of her nearby had seemed perfect at the time.
The problem was he couldn’t tell Jesse it was for his own peace of mind and to calm the frantic beating of his heart for her safety. She’d solidified her spot on the team as a much-needed asset with her quick eye and dead-on shooting. She actually put the other two snipers on the team to shame. And Jesse happened to be one of those. Her being able to hold her own made it more difficult to achieve his goal.
He’d gritted his teeth long enough, worried about her each time the team went out to a precarious situation. He’d promised her late husband to protect her however he could, but that had already been a commitment in his heart. Before he’d left Fort Benning to join HIS, he’d tried diligently to get her to quit the police force. Stubborn didn’t begin to describe the woman. When she’d made SWAT, he’d about lost his shit. A man on a mission, he’d shown up on her doorstep and insisted she give up the team. His disapproval had seemed to make her more determined to stay in the job.
At the open doorway to Jesse’s office, Reagan’s laughter floated into the hallway. “Please, Daddy.” That pleading voice always did him and the other agents in for whatever she wanted.
“You can, but you can’t force anyone, pumpkin.”
“But, it’s for a good cause.”
Jesse chuckled. “It is, but still—”
Cutting her father off, Reagan turned to him. “Don’t you think so, Uncle Ken?” Ever since she’d been little, she’d begun calling every agent “Uncle,” and they all loved her as if they were. Boy, did she have them wrapped around her cute, little finger. Him included.
Noting Jesse’s reluctance, he hedged, “What’re you asking?”
She heaved a heavy sigh like he should know what she’d been discussing. “The jar?”
Confused, he simply asked, “Jar?”
Nearly bouncing with excitement, she said, “Swear jar.”
Oh, hell. Most of HIS may as well hand over their paychecks. They came from military or law enforcement backgrounds that tended to lead to foul language from time to time. “Why a swear jar?”
The nine-year-old smile made him feel like he should’ve, once again, known the answer. “College money.”
Ken looked at Jesse who only shrugged. “I see.” He really didn’t because with a millionaire mother and wealthy father, college would be a drop in the bucket. Yet, he knew they didn’t spoil her—the agents were good for that—but still….
After a kiss on her father’s cheek, Reagan skipped out the door with a girlishly decorated jar in her hand. Ken stared at it and swallowed. They’d always tried to curb their language around the children and did a pretty good job. On an op though….
Jesse shook his head and turned his attention to Ken. In a blue polo shirt with the HIS logo over his left breast, Jesse waved him into the office. “Come in. We need to chat.”
Hell.He didn’t like the sound of that. Still, he entered and sat in the familiar chair facing the desk with a stern-looking Jesse behind it. “Yes, we do.” Although he couldn’t imagine they had the same topic in mind.
As he sat, he figured if he couldn’t get Jesse to dismiss Sam, he’d have to convince her to resign. Somehow. His gut clenched, and he felt like a heel for what this might do to not only her but their relationship. Selfishly, he wanted her near him and happy. As a civilian, her life wouldn’t constantly be in jeopardy, and he wouldn’t be a bundle of nerves. He and Jesse had thought getting her out of SWAT had been the wise thing to do since they’d found out about the sexual harassment, even though she hadn’t filed a complaint. Some men liked to brag way too often. And while he’d wanted her out of SWAT, maybe they should’ve hired her to do the computer work with two of the Hamilton siblings, Devon and Emily. Then they’d have fulfilled Lance’s request to keep her safe. Finally.
He’d love to marry her, not only because he loved her, but if he did, he might persuade her to avoid a profession where she risked her life, whether it be police, SWAT, or HIS. Something inside his heart flipped at the two of them being together as husband and wife. Then it sank in knowing she’d never agree to such a thing if he pushed her to give up what she loved.
In truth, he’d hoped she’d be safe by his side and not as an agent, yet he knew he’d have to go slow with her. A lifetime ago he’d had two chances with her. The first time they’d met, their kiss had been hot and searing. Not ready to commit to a relationship, he’d pushed her away and into Lance’s arms. When he’d felt ready to build something between them, he’d touched his lips to hers again, only more gently. It’d been a year after her husband’s death, and she’d put a screeching halt to the intimacy. He’d been right to fear it too soon after Lance’s death, but now was the time for them.
While she’d followed his direction as a senior agent and her team leader, he’d focused more on being her shield than allowing her to spread her wings, so to speak. Hell, after each op he wanted to pull her into his arms and kiss her until they couldn’t stand. It’d happen soon, but he wouldn’t wait until an op occurred.
If things didn’t go his way with Jesse, she’d be seeing him later today as they had a serious topic to discuss. Deep down, he knew he had no chance of winning, but he wouldn’t go down without a fight. The only upside—and he meant only—was she’d been added to his team in the split. That allowed him to continue to watch out for her as best he could.