That lying, conniving woman deserved to be horsewhipped, and he’d be the first in line to do it, no matter how much Sam protected the bitch.
Ken barged back into the breakfast nook. Looking up at him, Sam knew the agents had new information, something bad based on Ken’s furious face. Ken was almost red with what was clearly controlled rage. He stopped, touched her lightly on the shoulder which calmed and reassured her. Much to her discomfort. This whole being angry at what he supposedly did and the man he’d shown himself to be was a constant battle in her confused brain, and heart. Her problem with Ken aside, she had an inkling Bev held something back. Something critical, and even with Ken’s calming touch, her body tensed at what he was about to say. Before he spoke, he removed his hand from her shoulder and put his hands on his hips. He made a formidable presence that even had her a bit unnerved. Yet, that could be from the loss of his touch.
“Who the hell is Alejandro Ramirez?” he barked.
While she knew that Ken—and surely Devon—had to have an idea of who this man was since it appeared her teammates brought the information back, she focused back on Bev since she’d ignored Ken’s question.
“Who is it, Bev?” Her soft, soothing tone had disappeared. Tired of running in circles while she treated Bev like a friend instead of a client, she gave up all pretense of patience. Becoming more and more disconcerted by her friend’s actions and knowing because of them she’d probably lost her team time they needed to find Cody, she no longer cared if Bev hated her or ended their friendship. The boy mattered more than any of that.
Bev fiddled with the same tissue she’d held since Sam began questioning her nearly an hour ago—straightening it, folding it, then crumpling it. “I don’t know what you mean.” Her shaky voice and unwillingness to meet either of their gazes belied that point.
“Bev, to get Cody back, we have to question everything. It’s the only way. No one will think anything different of you or Cody. We just need to know the truth.” It angered her to no end that her friend, Cody’s mother, would hold out on them. She couldn’t make sense of it. Maybe the information on this individual was wrong, and he had nothing to do with the Shoduns.
“Sam, make them all go away. I don’t want to talk about this with—” She waved her hand at the men with a disgusted look marring her features. “—them around.”
That obviously meant she knew this Alejandro that Ken had asked about and he might be important. Her instinct wanted her to tread easily again, but she held strong to distancing herself to do what they needed to bring Cody home safe. “No,” Sam said forcefully. “Tell us about this man, or I swear to God, Bev, we’ll knock on every damn door in your neighborhood and ask the question.”
Bev’s shocked then wounded look didn’t sway Sam to be easy again.
“He’s, uh—” Her hands shook despite the death grip she had on the tissue.
Obviously having enough, Ken answered his own question. “She’s been dating him.”
Sam sat stunned for a moment. Her friend—her best friend—had not only kept that information from her as a friend but also in the investigation.
“Is it true, Bev?” She couldn’t hold the disbelief laced with unleashed hostility out of her voice. And, truly, she didn’t care. Although she’d never used the term “bitch slap” before, now she understood its meaning and provoked need. Yet she held back. They were here for Cody. She’d deal with Bev after he’d been returned home.
“Well,” she hedged, “he and I….”
Good God, she might reconsider that slap. “I’m tired of playing, so don’t push me. Now”—her assertive voice had Bev snapping her head up to look at Sam—“you two what, Bev?”
Shock didn’t begin to describe the woman’s expression. “Sam, why are you being like this?”
She didn’t fall for the wounded routine. She’d seen it before when Bev didn’t get her way. “So help me God, I will come across this table and beat your ass until you give me the information. Now,” she bit out and stressed each word, “tell me about this man.”
“I didn’t tell you, Sam, because I can’t imagine he had anything to do with this. He wanted our relationship to be secret.”
“Bev, I’m one step away from doing what I said. Now, tell us about him.”
By this time, the entire team had returned and most stood outside while Ken remained beside the table, refusing to sit.
Tearing a piece off that damn tissue that Sam wanted to yank from her hands, Bev began, “We used to date.”
Sam ignored the pang in her heart when Bev confirmed Ken’s statement. Had she really been such a shitty friend to Bev that she hadn’t felt compelled to share something as huge as this? This was the first time since Adam’s death that Bev had dated anyone. Well, as far as she was aware. Who knew what else Bev had held back. “Used to?”
“We broke up last week. That’s why I know he had nothing to do with it,” she rushed to assert again.
Gritting her teeth and almost hoping Ken would take over the questioning because there was no assurance she wouldn’t explode, Sam took a breath then asked, “Where does he live?”
Bev’s hesitation before she spoke had Sam narrowing her eyes at her friend. “I don’t know.”
“Those are three words I don’t fucking want to hear again.”
Sam startled at the force of Ken’s words.
“Well, I don’t.” Bev shrugged. “He stayed at a hotel. I think he said he lived in Mexico. I never asked specifically.”