Searching her gaze, he offered, “I want to give you the choice. Now that I’ve got you, I don’t want to do anything you’re not ready for that might scare you off. Being around you though, with this heat zipping between us, I forget myself and I’m sorry to say that I just take.”
How could she not love a man so considerate, especially one who loved her in return? She’d be a fool to step back now. “Oh” was all she could say in response.
“After that, I want to make love to you.”
Here? With the men outside? His injuries?
“If you’re worried about the men, don’t.”
She truly wondered about his being able to read her mind. Either he had some special power or like he’d told her once, her thoughts were easily read.
“They already know we’re together.”
“What— How—” she sputtered.
“Trust me. They do.”
She sighed and pushed for a serious face. “There’s a lot of trusting you want me to do.” She didn’t know whether she jested or meant it.
He popped another quick kiss on her lips. “You’re part of this family. We’d do anything for each other. You should’ve already realized that.”
“I know, but them knowing about us? That freaks me out.”
He chuckled and stopped quickly. “Based on what I’ve been told, these last few months you’ve been giving me hungry looks at HQ.” He smiled slyly, and she wanted to give him a playful swat but had no idea where he might hurt. “So, are you going to let me love you tonight? I’ll let you love me.” His slow wink nearly did her in.
The man knew how to melt her panties without even touching her. His playful tone and actions always drew her attention, especially when directed to her alone.
She shook her head. “I don’t think you’re in any shape to love me. Besides, Doc said for you to lie on your back.”
With a sly grin, he whispered seductively, “Icanlie on my back.” He did, and she caught the grimace. “Besides, it’s more painful to want you this badly and not be able to sate my desire. I would endure the world’s worst pain to be inside you.”
She must’ve looked skeptical, because she was.
“Look, my ribs are wrapped, so as long as we don’t press down on them, we’re fine there. I know my mug isn’t that great to look at, but you can still touch it. As you’ve noticed already, my split lip isn’t stopping me. As for my leg, I just can’t be on top.”
Her skeptical look must’ve deepened as he continued his justification.
“Okay, so I’ll hurt a little, but it’d be worth it. I want you, Sam, and I know you want me too. If it makes you feel better, we can wait until we’re home and in a bed for our first time. Or,” he continued, “we can make a great memory right here.” He moved his hand to her hips and waited. “Well?”
She couldn’t even believe she was considering this. She only had her lust-addled brain to blame. “How about we start with the kissing and touching thing and see where we go from there?”
She’d thought his previous action and words had turned her into putty, but this smile—the one responding to her partial agreement—melted her into a puddle at his feet.
“Then, let’s get to that kissing and touching thing.”
Although not certain, she’d have sworn he chuckled under his breath. Wait until he realized her plan.
He’d had some bad ideas in his time, but Ken admitted this one ranked right up there with them. But no way in hell would he go back now. Had he not trusted the team to keep him safe, he wouldn’t even have considered being naked with Sam.
Truthfully it hadn’t been by his desire alone. Their clothing being wet was the reason for their naked state—or close to it, but he’d take full advantage. He’d waited so many years to feel her beside him, underneath him, on top of and anywhere in between.
However, she’d been right; this might cost him, but he’d pay every penny. Asking her to wait now—when things were near perfect with the exception of a madwoman having them chased—would be worse than using a dull razor on his face while dry.
With a sudden need to confirm her readiness to take this plunge, he asked, “Are you sure? It hasn’t been that long since—”
She cut him off. “I know. Since we’ve come back together as friends. Some of the time though, I think of you as not so much a friend but a lover.”