“Word is that if you don’t ignore their misleading noises, you’ll get lost in the jungle.”
She snorted. “Like that isn’t already easy to do.” Tackling her pants, she grunted when they stuck while attempting to pull them off. There was nothing like the struggle of pulling wet pants down your legs.
Ignoring her challenge, he continued, “There’s also the spirit people who are known to transform into things like jaguars and crocodiles.”
“That’s okay. I’ll pass on them as I’ve already been keeping my eyes out for jaguars.” Finally, her pants were on the ground. The success of that task made her dizzy with joy.
Ken flipped back the blanket on the empty side of the pallet and patted the space next to him. “Come on, relax a bit. Wouldn’t you tell your client to relax if the men had their back? It’s the same thing right now. We’re in the role of client, so we’re safe and have to trust them while we recuperate enough to make the trek tomorrow and get the hell out of this country.”
She spread her pants out to dry, then slid under the blanket beside him, trying not to let their bare skin touch. Would she be able to control her desire? She had to because he needed to rest with his injuries. Disgruntled at their predicament, she told him, “I don’t like playing that role.”
“Neither do I, but Franks is running the show to get us to the rendezvous point on time since we escaped before the HIS rescue attempt. As much as we may not wish it, we have to follow their directives.”
Jokingly, she said, “And here I thoughtyouwere my knight in shining armor. Well, Kevlar.”
With a lot of low-sounding groans of pain, Ken rolled from his back to his good side. He propped his head on the hand of his bent arm and reached over with his free arm and turned her toward him until the tips of her breasts lightly touched his chest.
She shifted to mirror his pose so they were on the same level. Although he said not to fret, she couldn’t help it. “I still don’t get—”
“Shh. Trust in them.”
Had she been that obvious in what she’d planned to say? That’s when she noticed something else. While he said to relax, his muscles were tense as if ready to defend them if needed. She didn’t feel so bad now. She could do the same, especially since she could get to her feet faster. Although she wouldn’t doubt him in a crunch.
“I’ve wanted to have you naked beside me since the moment I met you.” Slipping his hand up, he tucked a few damp strands behind her ear. “If I had pursued you, would you have chosen me over Lance?”
Wanting to jump up and tell him yes, she wondered if that were true. While Ken had always been serious and focused, he’d not been as lighthearted as she found him now. Maybe if they’d dated, she’d have realized that his mind—and probably his heart— wasn’t ready for anything serious. Back then, his team came first, and no woman would’ve replaced that.
With Lance, he’d made her and the team equal, which she’d appreciated because she’d never wanted him to not have his mind focused when out with the other Rangers in life and death scenarios.
When he’d approached her as a widow after only one year, she hadn’t been ready. Timing for them had always sucked. This time, if they could get past this, she’d fight for them to finally have a chance.
Before she could respond, he said, “Don’t answer that. It was wrong of me to ask.”
“It’s okay,” she said as his hand moved to her jaw and sent delicious tingles moving from head to toe. “Honestly, I’m not sure.” And while that first inclination had been to say yes, the actual answer settled in her with the truth ringing deep.
His hand settled on her jaw and his eyes focused on her lips as his thumb slowly stroked them. “It doesn’t matter. We have now.”
Leaning toward her, he placed a light kiss on her lips, and her body warmed. Before she had an opportunity to kiss him back, he moved and placed light kisses over her face before trailing down her neck with a wet, hot contact that drove her to near madness with need.
“Sam,” he whispered as his lips returned to hers, “I love you.”
Not waiting for a response from her, his mouth covered hers with such a soul-searing kiss she wanted to weep her happiness.
His tongue caressed hers while he pulled her flush against him in a move that she suspected was painful for him. Not stopping, his hand roamed over her back. Whether he touched bare skin or over her underthings, her skin tingled with his every stroke.
Taking his time, his tongue coaxing hers, he made love to her through their kiss. The want, the need of this man for her had never been greater than at this moment. A moment when he’d been through hell, worried about keeping her safe, and now, if she read it right, he planned to please her.
Soon, the kiss made her entire body throb with a fiery need that she hadn’t expected from just their lips meshing hungrily.
He broke away and seemed to be catching his breath, as she was. The lust, desire, and love pulsing in his eyes turned her to mush.
When she’d lain beside him, his semi-aroused state had been noticeable. While not the ideal time for this, or for Ken’s physical state, she crafted a plan.
Since they’d been relieved of their duty, for the night at least, she didn’t feel guilty about them taking this time to explore not only each other’s bodies but what their futures held.
“I want to touch you. May I?”
“Ken”—seriousness drove her tone—“why ask, and why only ask sometimes?”