Trying to turn the conversation away from his injuries and gloomy thoughts, he said with a light-heartedness he didn’t fully feel, “A key that I can’t use.”
The desired effect happened. She stopped crying, almost with a halting of breath. “What’d you mean?”
The level of perplexity in her voice brought a smile to his face. She knew the reason, but her mental focus had walked away from her.
He looked down at her, hating to see the redness that surrounded her slightly puffy eyes. “Think about it, sweetheart. My arm is too large to reach all the way through the bars and turn the lock.”
“Oh, right.” He didn’t take his eyes from her as she leaned away to sit back, sniffling all the way. “My call sign is Sugar. But, I like you calling me sweetheart.”
It had been way too long since this woman had been romanced. Maybe she had yet to remember that he’d always called her that endearment, even after she and Lance had connected. “Don’t worry, I’ll remember Sugar when the time is right. Otherwise, I like ‘sweetheart.’”
With her nod and the slight smile on her lips, he pushed forward even though he’d prefer nothing better than to pull her back into his arms.
“Okay, let’s get back to the important task in front of us. Finish telling me about Beverly’s plans and anything you learned that could help or hinder us.”
Back in her warrior mode, the renewed strength from her reinvigorated him also. “As we’ve said, her ultimate goal is to ensure you and Jesse pay.” Sam furrowed her brow. “Although, she and Alejandro—who she’d never stopped dating—managed this rather quickly. I wonder if she’d already had this as an idea to draw you two out. Alejandro had offered to have the two of you killed. He’s quite obsessed with her.”
“If she doesn’t go out much, how’d they meet?”
Shrugging, she responded, “They said they met at a hotel bar.”
“You don’t sound convinced.”
“Maybe they did and maybe they didn’t. Bev”—she hedged—“was into some kinky stuff.”
“Oh God, please don’t get specific. The last thing I want in my mind is that woman dressed in black leather and carrying a whip.” He squeezed his eyes shut. He’d done it to himself. “Dammit, too late.” He reached up a hand to squeeze his eyes shut, hoping to block out the revolting image.
While she didn’t laugh outright, he heard the levity in her voice. “She and Adam did well together with that.”
He opened his eyes and stared at her. “She told you about her and Adam having sex?” Good God, what did these women do when the men were deployed? He’d expect they traded recipes, but it sounded like they traded whips.
“No. Stop worrying. She let it slip once. Anyhow, what I was saying is that she used to be on websites for that stuff and she met a lot of people that way.”
“And Alejandro is—” He didn’t know what to call him. Master?
“I don’t know. What I’m saying is that was how she met out-of-town people who enjoyed her preferences in bed.”
“I can’t deal with that right now.” Taking her hand, he squeezed lightly, offering her silent support. “What did you two agree on?”
“Oh, since I told her Jesse had left with Cody back to the States, she fumed, and I formulated a strategy. I let her know they’d be at Jesse’s house but, no, I didn’t know the location.”
Pride splashed across him and he didn’t hide the smile for her. “Why, you cute, little double agent.”
She elbowed him in jest. When he grunted, she slipped her hand from his and covered her mouth. “I’m so sorry, Ken.”
“Don’t worry about it. It didn’t hurt. It took me by surprise.”
“Are you sure?” The uncertainty in her voice almost broke him.
She’d asked for forgiveness, but exonerating herself might be more of a problem. Somehow, he’d help her, even though it would take time.
“Yes, but we’re getting nowhere. Tell me what’s going on and no sidetracking.”
That did it. That brought out her grin. His also. It’s always been the joke between them that she couldn’t have a conversation without branching off two or three times while never getting to the end of any story.
“Okay, let’s see. She wants you two at the same time. You won’t give Jesse up. I pretended not to know where he lived so Alejandro couldn’t just grab him. I’m on a mission to worm the address out of you so that when I’m done, I can let myself out and tell Bev.” She crossed her arms over her chest and proudly harrumphed.
Oh, how he wanted to chuckle at her and her satisfaction for being concise. Instead, he stayed on target like he’d challenged her to do. “How long did she give you?”