Page 54 of Evening Shadows

His fingers covered her lips. “Shh, you don’t need to keep apologizing.”

She nodded, and he moved his hand away. “Tell me.”

“The kidnapping, as we guessed, was her ruse to get us here. To get you and Jesse here.” Damn Bev for doing this. “As we guessed, Alejandro is doing this for her. He appears to be crazy in love and wants to banish her demons. I think he really wanted Cody to have a good home.”

Sighing, she continued. “I screwed up. On the phone, I let it slip to Bev about our not being on an op. She knew you and Jesse would be available, but she couldn’t chance you two not responding, and that’s why she involved Cody. You wouldn’t step aside for a Ranger’s kid.” She sighed. “I think I was a little upset we didn’t go out considering most of the new team had been off, and I didn’t pay attention to my words.”

“It’s okay. Jesse had a reason for making that call. We didn’t pick up the last op mostly because of you.”

The words slammed into her with the impact of hitting a concrete wall. She hadn’t expected that answer. “Me?”

Nodding, Ken rubbed the wound on his leg and closed his eyes for a moment. “Yes, you. The op Bravo went on—the rescue—based on the information that had been gathered, didn’t have a need for a sharpshooter. Doesn’t mean it wouldn’t, but at the time, it didn’t. Because you’re the best, Jesse wanted you available should we snag something last minute”—he cocked his head to the side in a cute gesture although he’d probably not like that term for it—“like this, that required your expertise.”

She looked at him with watery eyes. If she’d only spoken up earlier, maybe this could’ve been prevented. Heck, Ken had been shot, tortured, and held in captivity. She’d never forgive Bev for the destruction she was delivering.

His thumb tapping a rhythm on his good leg, he gazed over her head. “Did she create the false report?”

Nodding, Sam bit her lip. “She admitted to it.” This time she shook her head. “I’m not sure why because she’s held a grudge against you and Jesse all this time, placing the blame at your doorsteps.”

“I’m guessing somewhere along the line her hatred turned into a need for vengeance. Why wait so long?”

Sick to her stomach, she guessed the answer as he voiced it.

“You. You were now in a position to do something.”

“And I had told her that—” Her eyes widened. Embarrassment be damned. “I told her I had feelings for you.”

His tight smile faltered a bit and a small quirk at the corner of his lips appeared.

“Since,” she continued, “she realized she truly had no way to get me to take action, she attempted to manipulate me.”

Ken nodded his agreement.

“And I almost fell for it.” She jerked away and up from the cot. “God, I could kick my own ass,” she breathed, rapidly pacing the small space. “I thought—” She swirled back in the other direction. “I thought—” Tears filled her eyes and she hated it. Not only because it made her look like a girl who couldn’t hold her own on a mission, but Ken had to witness it. She stopped and dropped her head in her hands. A comforting hand stilled her shaking shoulders.

“Sam, getting upset at yourself will help no one.”

She turned into his arms, her head buried in his shoulder. “Bev and I went through so much and I can’t believe she’d go this far. You know we were friends before each of us married, remained friends during, and grieved as friends after. Maybe I was lucky because I also had you while I grieved. Maybe that made it worse for her. I don’t know.” She squeezed tightly around his waist. “I’m so glad we found each other again.”

At those words, she snuggled in closer but cautious around his ribs to avoid hurting him any worse. When a hiss slipped through his teeth, she pulled back. Had they taken him again while she’d been with Bev. No. They couldn’t have. So what sparked that level of sensitivity?

“Ken?” Concern and bewilderment mixed in her question.

“It’s nothing,” he attempted to assure her.

Reading the lie in his dark eyes, she tugged his T-shirt up. Her breath caught in her throat. “Are those cigarette burns?” she choked out.


Based on the fresh tears streaking down Sam’s face, keeping the extent of his injuries secret had been the right move. While awkwardly sitting on the cot, he’d pulled her into his shoulder, rubbing her back to soothe her.

“I’m so sorry,” she managed through his hold and her tears.

“Shh, sweetheart. This isn’t your fault.”

“But, Bev—”

“Beverly had you kept in this cell until she returned, and if you hadn’t agreed to help her, you’d have probably been back here but without a key.” His gut revolted at what Beverly might’ve done to her—or could still do if she discovered the truth. They had to escape before that happened.