Page 44 of Evening Shadows

The first and third vehicles halted, maneuvering their vehicles in a support position, and the Rangers hastened out the passenger sides of the vehicles, using it as cover. During the firefight, Ken disobeyed Jesse’s order and ran into the open to the second vehicle now aflame and nearly destroyed. He didn’t care if he received a bullet or died, not only his teammates but Lance had been in that vehicle.

Unconcerned of the heat of the door handle, he flung it open as fiery pain sizzled on his palm, and then he pulled out Lance, who’d been in the passenger seat, dragging him to a safe distance but close enough to protect. He returned to the Humvee and because of the flames, couldn’t reach anyone else. Without any cries of pain, he could only surmise they’d been killed instantaneously.

Returning to Lance, he did a quick triage and his heart sank to his gut like a lead weight. Not only did Lance have burns on most of his body, his hands lay on his stomach, blood flowing between his fingers. Removing his hands, Ken saw the blood pouring from a wound to Lance’s stomach where shrapnel had embedded itself.

Even though he knew his attempts would be futile, he placed his hands on the wound and gave it light pressure. He used caution so as not to press the metal further into him and create more problems.

“Medic,” Ken screamed over the gunfire that sounded around him.

“Ken,” Lance said weakly, and Ken turned his attention from the wound to his friend’s face.

Ken shook at the grief that racked him. He never liked losing his brethren, but this hit like home.

“I need a promise from you.”

“Anything,” he responded, tears forming in his eyes, yet he refused to let them fall.

“Take care of Sam.” Blood trickled from Lance’s mouth. “Please.”

Things spun in his head and a different feel reached into his dream. “Ken,” Sam said as his dream morphed. “Help me, don’t let them take me away.” His head spinning, he sat on the cot in their cell and did nothing while the guards took Sam and she accused, “I thought you loved me.”

With his heart pounding in self-pity and defeat, he remained seated, giving no effort to pull her away. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I’m not capable of saving you, just like I couldn’t save your husband.”

“You bastard! I knew I should’ve killed you after all.”

Ken jolted awake, heart pounding and sweat covering him. His body racked with aches and pain, his thigh burning, he quickly recon’d the room to gain his bearings. Closing his eyes for a moment to ward off the spots flashing in his vision, he silently cursed.In captivity.

“What’s the matter?” Sam asked from beside him.

It’d taken a long time for the two of them to come to an agreement on the sleeping arrangements. He didn’t know which of the two held the title of the most stubborn.

“No, Ken. You shouldn’t be on the floor in your condition,” she’d argued.

“You shouldn’t be on the floor period,” he’d countered.

“You’re being argumentative when you don’t have to be.” Her eyes had widened. “Like you used to be when I first met you. If you sleep on the floor, then I’m sleeping there too.”

“You’re impossible,” he’d huffed.

“I’ve been told that a time or two. I don’t agree, but people can think what they want. Now, I have a suggestion. Hear me out, before you have a fit.”

His eyes narrowed in suspicion. He didn’t have fits. “Go on.”

“We both sleep on the cot.” She seemed proud of herself, nodding with her statement as if a done deal. When he went to argue, she’d held up a hand. “It’s wide enough if we both sleep on our sides.” She added, “Away from each other.”

He’d agreed, if for nothing else than to keep her off the floor.

The heat from her body as she leaned over him, her hand on his shoulder, slid through his veins like a feel-good drug. With it, his pulse raced in excitement and his dick came to life. Hell, when his body had responded to her in the past, their distance had kept the noticeability from her.

“Are you okay?” The concern in her voice reached deep into his soul.

“Bad dream,” he answered, wishing he hadn’t been so honest because he just knew what would come out of her mouth. God his body felt like he’d been run over by a Mack truck before it backed up and did it again.

“Tell me about it,” she said soothingly.

Did she know her voice glided over his soul and left him with the feeling of being held in her embrace?

“It’s nothing.” On his uninjured side facing away from her, his arm folded beneath his head, he kept looking forward. She’d turned over to face him and leaned over his shoulder somewhat.