Time stood still. The cellar faded away until it was only them. The soft touches turned into fiery passion as they reunitedand explored each other as if it were the first time. The dance renewed. A spark turned to flame. Full passion and desire overtook them.

His hands and fingers traced up her spine. She shivered at the ghostly trails left behind. He pulled her closer, away from the bench. Instead of continuing the journey, he reached down below her hips and lifted her off the ground. She happily agreed to his show of strength, helping to jump up and wrap her legs around his waist.

He set her down carefully and placed her on the edge of the workbench. She responded by gently caressing the back of his coifed hair, pulling him closer. They never broke their union. Their lips locked into an eternal dance of desire. After a moment, after what seemed like an eternity, the world came back into view.

They relinquished their dance. Her taste still remained on his lips. His body craved her, desired her. He wanted more. The bloodlust might have stopped, but his other vampire desires craved his wife. His body was on fire, still not quelled by their intimate kisses. He wanted more. He needed more.

They met forehead to forehead, both breathing heavily. They locked eyes once again. An unspoken bond of love and passion and desire between two fated souls. They loved each other. They had fought witch-finders, vampires, and an army of undead for each other. There was no limit to what they would do for each other.

“Give me five minutes to finish up here, then we can take this upstairs,” Alice said.

“Five minutes is an eternity,” Hugo said as he pulled back. He placed one hand on his heart and extended his other hand. “But I’ll suffer it for you.”

“So dramatic,” Alice said.

Hugo winked at her. “Always.”

“We’re doing the thing I like,” Alice said.

“Anything for you,” Hugo said. “Oh, you have a package.”

“It’s not the only package I have,” Alice said with a wink.

They chuckled.

“The delivery man saw my teeth.”

“What did you tell him?”

“I told him I have naturally pointy teeth, it’s a pain to deal with, and there is no such things as vampires.”

“Did he believe you?”

“I think,” Hugo said as he backed away from the table to give Alice space to jump down. “Then I told him the sun was still up, so naturally I couldn’t be a vampire.”

“Good. I’m sure he won’t be the last to notice,” Alice said as she jumped down.

“I did think about biting his neck, though. You know, to shut him up. Or maybe enthrall him.”

“If you’re good, maybe . . .maybe, I’ll let you have a taste.”

Hugo nodded his head and smiled. “Yes, ma’am.” He paused. The smile faded from his face, and his eyebrows narrowed.

“Did you ever let your other vampire boyfriend bite your neck?”

“What? No. No. NO. Never,” she replied. Alice winked. “You would be my first, and only if you’re on your best behavior will I consider it.”

Hugo picked up the box and handed it to Alice. “Since I didn’t have time to get you anything for Christmas, on account of being dead and all, this is my official Christmas gift to you. I mean, I didn’t buy it, but I did bring it from the door to you, so I’m taking credit.”

“You being alive again is all I wanted for Christmas.”

“So, I got you two things for Christmas.”

Alice curled half her lip in between her teeth to hold back her laugh, but small bursts of laughter escaped. “I see your sense of humor is alive and well too.”

“Always. Now, open it up, and let’s both be surprised by what I got you.”

With a snap of her fingers, the top flew open. She withdrew the paper stuffing and another box held inside. It was black and wrapped in a purple bowtie ribbon. She pulled on the ribbon, opened the box, and withdrew a card.