Alice held a page in between her thumb and index finger, ready to flip it over. She paused, waiting for Ez to continue.

“If I give you access to them—and that’s a hugeifright now—I need you to make me a promise,” Ez said.

“What do you want me to do?”

“First, I want you to get some sleep. These texts are not to be taken lightly. You’ll need as much energy as you can muster. Tell your reflection sleep is necessary.”

“I think I can get some sleep.” Alice flipped the page over.

“Second, I want you to promise me you’ll set a limit.”

Alice glanced over to Ez. “A limit?”

“Yes. A limit. Three chances. No more. The more you try to contact him, the more attention you’ll bring to yourself. You never know whoor whatwill come through. Three chances. No more. There’s a reason this spell is usually tried on Sauin.”

“I can’t wait almost a year.”

“I know. Which is why you have a limit of three.”

“Okay. No more than three,” Alice said as she slammed the book shut. She returned it to the shelf.

“Third, when you make contact, you must accept whatever he says. If he doesn’t want to come back, then he doesn’t come back. Understood?”

Alice sat in silence. Her eyes wandered along the shelf, examining the tattered leather spines.

“Do you understand?” Ez sternly asked.

Alice understood, but she couldn’t answer. She held an internal debate over whether to heed Ez’s advice or stop at nothing until she was wrapped in Hugo’s arms once again. She bit her lip and tapped her fingers across her knee. She twitched a foot back and forth.

“Understand?” Ez asked once more in a raised voice. “Or else there is no deal.”

Alice gave two taps to the purplish broomcorn. They descended. She stood up, this time more surefooted and confident. “I understand. Three times. No more.”

“Good. Follow me.”

Ez led the way through the library and disappeared behind a row of bookcases. Alice followed with Max racing in front of her. The impatient golden retriever blazed ahead to lead her pack. Alice whistled, and her broomstick followed behind.

Ez wound her way through rows and rows of bookcases. The vastness of Ez’s library overwhelmed Alice. Countless bookcasestowered over her, their dizzying heights disorienting her and causing her to lose track of where they were and where they started.

Max was perfectly content taking the lead in front of Ez. Her tail wagged as if she knew where they were going on their little adventure. Ez turned a corner, and Max circled around and dashed to the front once again.

Alice peered over her shoulder to the floating ash broomstick following behind. She was there. Never more than a step or two behind, like an ever-vigilant guardian over their whole group. Alice smiled. She had worried she forgot how to smile. This one moment brought her extra joy.

“It’s right around the corner,” Ez said.

After making one final turn, Alice’s eyes landed on another magical door, but not the same wooden and iron clad door used as an entrance to magical rooms such as her wine cellar. This was different. Two doors with darkened brass knobs came together to form one door. Arcane symbols were carved into the stone frame—the same symbols used to protect Alice’s house from intruders.

A statue of a raven stood guard over the entryway. Its wings jutted out as if it was ready to take flight. Dark-colored jewels in its eye sockets gave the statue an unsettling appearance, as if it observed anyone who approached.

Ez withdrew a brass key from her pocket, about the size of her palm. It formed the shape of a flat skull at one end.

“A skull? Seems a little dramatic,” Alice stated.

“It’s so I can easily find it. Besides, it adds to the ambiance.”

Ez placed the key into the hole beneath one of the doorknobs and turned. The click released the lock, and the doors swung open to reveal a dark alcove. Alice peered into the room, but instead of seeing the outline of bookcases, it was as if a thick, ichor cloud swirled on the inside.

Max stuck her head into the room, ready to lead the group in, but retreated backward with a shallow growl. She dipped her head low and clamped down on her cloth cauldron. She worked back behind Alice’s legs, hiding from whatever was in the room. Max stuck her head around so she could see.