A path of the most luscious grass guided Alice to the wedding altar through a path of her friends, well-wishers, and other fairies. Her future husband waited at the end. He was flanked by Oliver, Max, and Galahad. Esmerelda, Carol, and Guinevere waited for her to ascend to her rightful place. The full moon above bathed the entire wedding in a bluish-white glow.
It wasn’t the venue she had envisioned, but Hugo was the ideal man, the type of person she had always dreamed of marrying. He loved her for who she was, not what she could do.
Alice and her parents began their waltz down the aisle. They took small, lingering steps as the orchestra music played. Fantastic, elegant music played by the finest of the fairies. A song more at home in Ireland with its Celtic melody—a nod to Alice’s ancestry.
All eyes focused on Alice, but she focused on the man standing near the altar. The man who rescued her from the amulet of witch’s fire. The man she rescued from death itself. The man she was going to marry. Hugo Dodds.
He stood upright, shoulders pulled back, and his arms by his sides. He had his hair in its signature meticulously coifed style, a gleam in his eyes, and a smile beaming from ear to ear. He wore a black tuxedo with green leaf ivy interwoven into his jacket lapel. He wore a purple shirt with a black necktie—her two favorite colors.
Oliver stood behind him wearing a black tuxedo and white shirt and holding Max’s leash. He smiled like a proud father and best man. Max wagged her tail, less enthused by what was happening and more interested in being around new people. Carol and Ez awaited Alice’s arrival wearing colorful, handmade dresses by the fairies. It was perfect.
Alice’s hands shook, and her heart raced. Her knees wobbled as she concentrated on every step. She breathed deeply to calm her nerves. She glanced at her mom and then her dad, givingthem a smile before returning her attention to Hugo. Five days before Christmas, and she got exactly what she wanted for Christmas—her Hugo. She gulped as she approached.
The Oaken King stood before the wedding party. “Who gives this woman to join in union with this man?”
“We do,” Alice’s parents said in unison.
Hugo stepped off the wood carved platform. He shook her father’s hand and gave her mother a hug. He winked at Alice. Her stomach churned with the tickle of butterflies. She bit her purple lower lip. Her parents stepped to the side, and Hugo took Alice’s arm.
“You’re beautiful,” Hugo whispered. “The most beautiful witch I’ve ever known.”
Alice’s heart fluttered. She tried to reply, but the emotions overwhelmed her. She could only muster a few words. “Thank you.”
Hugo helped guide her as they stepped up onto the platform, arm in arm. Ez took her bouquet. Alice and Hugo held hands.
The Oaken King stood upright. “Dearly beloved, we are here today to witness the union of two souls as they become one.” He turned to Hugo. “Hugo Dodds, do you join this union of your own free will and acknowledge this eternal bond?”
A tear rolled down his cheek. “I do,” he replied.
The Oaken King turned to Alice. “Alice Primrose, do you join this union of your own free will and acknowledge this eternal bond?”
She paused, almost letting out a giddy laugh as tears streaked down her face. “I do,” she replied.
“Now each will recite their eternal vows before we bind them together in the hand fasting ceremony.”
Hugo gulped. “Alice Primrose, you are the light of my life, the one who found me in the darkness. I couldn’t imagine spending my life with anyone else. There is no one else I would want tohold and be partnered with besides you. You risked everything to save me. We’ve risked everything for each other. I promise to honor you and cherish you and fight for you for the rest of our days and beyond.”
Alice let go of Hugo’s hands. She motioned to wipe the tears from her face with her gloved hands, but Hugo produced a handkerchief and handed it to her.
“Always the gentleman,” she whispered as she wiped her tears and handed back the handkerchief.
“Always,” he replied in a hushed tone as he placed it back in the pocket of his black tuxedo.
They took hands once more.
“Hugo Dodds, you are the most kind, caring, and thoughtful person I’ve ever met. You were always there for me when I needed you. You found me in the dark in my time of need. You gave your life for me. I fought an entire army of the undead for you, and I would fight them again if it meant you would always be by my side. You are the love of my life. I will hold you in my heart for the rest of our days and beyond.”
Hugo’s gaze met hers; his icy blues intently locked onto her emerald green eyes. He furled his eyebrows. A knowing grin appeared on his face. Alice wanted to break eye contact, but his gaze made love to her soul, and she wanted it to continue.
“Please present the rings,” the Oaken King said.
Oliver reached into his pocket and removed two wedding bands. He handed them to Hugo. “These were specially made with a little bit of input from the three of us.”
Hugo took the bands, glancing down at them in his palm, and chuckled.
“Please place the rings on each other’s hands,” the Oaken King said.
Hugo lifted her left hand and placed the band on her ring finger. It was a simple band made of black onyx on the outside rim. Polished, purple amethyst ran down the middle.