“Hold on, let’s see if this guy can catch us now,” Hugo said.
Alice readjusted her grip around Hugo. He leaned forward and let out a great yaw. Galahad sped ahead. They were able to see every twist and turn in the cavern. They worked together, moving as one, from side to side as the broomstick raced at thunderous speeds through the cavern toward home.
Still, the bursts of light on the cavern walls drew closer and closer. They could hear the snorts of the horse as it approached.A chill ran through Hugo’s spine. No matter how fast Galahad flew, the rider was faster.
He glanced over his shoulder. The rider was about two lengths away and closing fast. They weren’t going to escape them. The rider was too fast. They needed to do something or else their fate would be the same as Thaddeus.
“Did I tell you what my favorite Ren Fest activity was?” Hugo asked.
“Jousting,” Alice replied.
“Wanna go jousting?” Hugo asked.
“With pleasure,” Alice said.
“Hold on. We have to turn around. Gally, we’re going left.”
They banked to the right and then sharply to the left, curving toward the cave wall. They sped as fast as they possibly could without throwing Hugo and Alice off. The rider was caught off guard, slowing down to readjust. The cave was spacious enough that they could turn around without the risk of his sword touching them.
The trio zipped back down the cave the way they came. They needed more ground. The rider’s horse slid to a stop, shifted around as the rider pulled on the reins, and charged after them once more.
After they gained enough distance, Hugo repeated the turn. He drifted to the right and banked sharply to the left. They turned around to face the rider ahead. The festering horse charged the hickory horse-dog. The two combatants raced toward each other, closing rank fast. Alice freed one hand, and with a snap of her fingers, conjured a ball of purple arcane energy.
“Wait for it!” Hugo shouted.
His eyes focused on the charging steed with fire spewing forth from its nostrils. The rider held the fiery sword high above his head, ready to strike. Hugo locked in on the rider. He pulledon Galahad to adjust their height. They only had one shot at this. They had to make it count.
“Wait for it!” Hugo shouted.
The cave walls were bathed in white light from Galahad, yellow and orange from the spurts of fire, as well as purple from Alice’s arcane energy.
“Almost!” Hugo shouted.
Alice shifted on his back, moving into position. Her arm held on as tightly as possible. She shifted her weight to his left. Hugo dipped his right shoulder and rolled his hips to the right in order to compensate and steady the broomstick. He wanted her to have the maximum amount of room to throw the ball of energy.
The two flying steeds were within a yard of each other. The heat from the fire washed over Hugo’s face. The rider lurched forward with his sword.
“Now!” Hugo shouted.
Alice threw the ball of purple arcane energy. It struck the target square in the chest. The rider kicked back, dropping the fiery sword into the crashing water below. The flame extinguished and disappeared into the inky depths.
The rider tumbled backward, pulling up on the reins. The festering black horse bucked and kicked upward. The two tumbled toward the water below. With a great splash, the river enveloped them. The water rumbled and shrieked as decaying hands reached out to drag the rider and horse into the depths below. They were no more.
Hugo and Alice let out joyous screams.
“Good boy, Gally. Good boy,” Hugo said.
“The greatest horse dog there is,” Alice added.
“Now let’s get out of here and go home!”
Galahad flew off down the river, leading the charge. They were going home, and nothing was going to stop them.
Chapter 26
A Magical Homecoming
Galahad flew up the stone stairs as fast as he could. Around and around, they went. A dizzying display of unending and unrelenting steps. They could have flown straight up, but the climb was too steep. They would nearly be vertical and run the risk of falling off. Hugo doubted there would be enough room for Galahad to rescue them before slamming into the ground below. So up the stairs at a dizzying display they went.